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Wednesday, May 21, 2003

May 21, 2003

First Version

           [Author’s note 2023: this may be a continuation of y’days notes but about this separate subject, his bad driving.. This entry omits a description of trying to drive in Miami in the summer without good A/C, and there is a faded half-page calculating my input into the project. In the end, It says he actually counted some 360,000, They magically appeared at the pancake shop on Sundays, but technically, yes, he did a third of the counting.]

           Also, I’m only going to put up with this nonsense until we get back from California. I will be holding most of his 30% until he brings the displays back safely. After that, I’ve made plans to give him back his 350,000 [toothpicks] and recount my own in 90 days.
           This plan is even more a reality since he started driving the truck. He consistently shows up an hour or two late. He has no mechanical aptitude I can discover, and he has (still) no concept of what things cost me in the alternative. For instance, a week ago I told him he must bolt the jockey box to the truck bed. He replies he has no screws, like he can’t drive to Ace (about 2 blocks away) and get some. I told him to use tapcons.
           A week later, the box is still loose and it’s worth $300. He says he has no hex driver for the tapcons! He’s got a free $2,000 truck & I swear he is waiting for me to hand things to him.

           His driving habits are also bad. I have never taken both hands off the steering wheel of a moving vehicle, and now I risk my life driving to California with this guy. Nor do I listen to the radio tl “stay awake”. And he drives a standard worse than I do. Plus, he’s driven a week in the Miami weather, but never spent the $15.00 to recharge the A/C.            He’s like Ken Sanchuk, he will suffer to no end before he’ll spend a dollar that benefits anyone but himself. I see the logic—even thought he gets the free use of a truck, why should he spend any money on it.
           All this adds up to something I don’t like. It’s the attitude that you can angle your affairs to avoid responsibility on the idea that if everyone does things right you can always get off the hook.

Second Version:

           [Author’s note 2023: I’m dating this page this date because of where it is stapled. The original has no data, but it must have been before we drove to San Diego.]
           Also, I am only going to put up with this nonsense until we get back from California. I am holding most of his 30% until he brings the displays back safely. After that, I’ve made plans to give him back his 350,000 [toothpicks] and recount my own in 90 days.

           This plan is even more of a reality since he started driving the truck. He consistently shows up an hour or two late. He has no mechanical aptitude I can discover, and he (still) has no concept of what things cost me in the alternative. For instance, a week ago I told him he must bolt the jockey box to the truck bed. He replies he has no screws, like he can’t drive to Ace (about two blocks away). I told him to use tapcons. A week later the box was still lose and it’s worth $300. He says he has no hex driver for the tapcons! He got a free $2,000 truck and I swear he is waiting for me to hand things to him.

           His driving habits are also bad. I have taken both hands off the steering wheel of a moving vehicle, and I now I risk my life driving to California with this guy? Nor do I listen to the radio to “stay awake”. And he drives a standard worse tha I do. Plus, he’s driven a week in the Miami weather, but never spend the $15 to recharge the A.C. He’s like Ken Sanchuk, he will suffer to no end before he’ll spent a dollar that benefits anyone but himself. I see the logic, even though he [Frank] gets the free use of a truck, why should he spend money on it?

           All this adds up to something I don’t like. It the attitude that you can angle your affairs to avoid any responsibility on the idea of everybody does things right, you can always get off the hook.

           [Author’s note 2023: I remember this situation. This was the two week prep period as we got ready for the big trip to California, guest of the San Diego County Fair. We had a hoot of a time, but Frank was zero company and a real pest most of the trip. I know he’s had things rough, but so have I. He seems to not want to have any fun out of life, but I was stuck with him on this project.
The best I can do for photos is scans of the original pages. Don’t underestimate this Ken Sanchuk factor. Frank probably appreciated the truck but he could not get past his ingrained thought that if he recharged that A/C, then I might drive it and enjoy the cool air "for free". Even though it was my truck and he was my buddy, he could not see past that habit.
           Sanchuk was the same with the cable TV. I believe I told you about that. I refused to pay for it because he wanted the $79 per month basic so he could get the sports channel, adding up to something like $48 each in total. I told him before we shared the place that cable was not utility and if he wanted it, he’d have to pay for it himself. So even though he knew I did not watch TV, the very thought that I might had him crawling up a twenty foot ladder, rain or shine, dark or light, up to the satellite dish to disconnect the co-ax cable every time he left the house. Also, he was never quite able to accept that there were people who did not watch TV.]