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Friday, October 3, 2003

October 3, 2003

           [Author’s note 2018: it seems I never saw fit to record this day as anything special. This is the day I quit smoking. Some time later, I was told if I made it past a year, the lung damage would begin permanent repair. At ten years my system would be totally recovered, said JZ and his brothers one Xmas. Strange I didn’t attach any importance to this date over the issue.
           But I do recall over the years mentioning if quitting had any issues for me. The answer is, nope, nothing that could possibly tempt me. That’s why I hesitate to say I quit cold turkey. I had quit once before and it was the same, I just up and quit. No withdrawal, no temptation, no jitters. I quit smoking and quit even thinking about smoking. And that was that.]

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