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Wednesday, October 8, 2003

October 8, 2003

I quit smoking 5 days, usually the sign I've quit solid.
Cold turkey, the only way.
Remember, if I live to be 91, I may start again.

           This date was before I re-established the daily journal and predates both the blog and digital pictures as we know them. However, there were some pictures taken with the old Argus, if I recall. That does not explain how this picture was taken indoors as there was not flash. I think maybe the brightness was adjusted later. This photo was taken sometime in March of 2003. That's Brian, the first Florida guitar player I met who was willing to try learning proper rhythm playing, but simply lacked the talent. Since then, I've met them by the score.
           He was also the first of a long string of players who I would describe as "new age". The Hippie was bad for playing B-side tracks and trying to educate the audience, but at least he could play the material. The Hippie could not learn new tunes without painstankingly memorizing them, but I supposed he probably could if he had to. Brian and the others could only learn anything new by apprencticeship at Guitar Center. Each new tune was therefore an expensive and tedious proposition.