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Friday, November 28, 2003

November 28, 2003

           According to my records nothing happened anywhere in the world today. (These photos gone missing.)

           [Author's note: Here are some pictures. See if you can guess which pictures these captions apply to. If you get stumped, this is not the blog for you. Nosiree. All I can promise is these pictures are from 2003 at some point. This is one post that certainly benefited by my later experience at blog layout.

           Match caption with photo quiz:

           1) Canadian fishing trip. The fish is called a "sonuvabich", Father.

           2) The entrance to your typical European Stock Exchange.

           3) Pamela Smart, the teacher who got her students to kill her husband.

           4) Monumental waste of money, US tracked vehicles at the Baghdad Airport.

           5) The first seaweed ever to hit the endangered species list. Does it taste good or something?

           6) Judges at the California State Science Fair.

           For those interested in such things, Pamela Smart posted this type of semi-nude pictures of herself to recruit her teens, yet when photos of her in similar garb in prison were posted in the National Enquirer, she successfully sued for $24,000. Ah, American justice.

           [Author's note 2015-11-28: This post was so bland, I went back and published these random pictures from the year 2003. Using software that was not available until 2013, so I cheated.]

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