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Thursday, February 26, 2004

February 26, 2004

           This picture was added later for interest. These antenna change their focal length by moving along small railway tracks splayed out from the center point. According to Wiki, there are four common sizes, labeled A through D. And it takes 16 months to move the antennas, at over 200 tons each, through all possible configurations. But I have no idea why anyone would want to do that.

           Idle Englishmen. Remember that episode of the broken microwave dish? My air mattress, located just inches from the broken glass, sinks after a lousy two hours now. No problem, I will just go on the Internet and tap the collective intelligence of mankind. According to FAQ, I have a leak. This leak is small and hard to find, I am told. There are a variety of “puncture repair systems” all of which cost slightly less than purchasing a new mattress. Also, Amazon offers to sell me books on the subject. All of which reinforces my contention that something is going to come along and replace the entire Internet because the Internet just does not work.
           The Internet is like a lot of third world countries. If all you want to do is waste time in little circular activities and thought patterns, it is paradise. But the minute you need any real help you are on your own. I see that kid Mike Rowe, who has a site called “MikeRoweSoft” has given Bill Gates and gang a fit. There is always something gratifying to me to see the underdog fight back. What got me about this one is that MicroSoft used the law itself to bait the kid into saying he wanted a fair price for his property. The law says that stating such a thing for a domain name is illegal. They should not allow non-elects to make laws.

           Wallace got a $5,000 check from the estate back east. Since it’s not enough to invest, I’m wondering when he will get here. Blue Cross is getting antsy with me. Plainly they checked and noticed there is no “public” information on me. So they sent me a form asking if “any of my family” are covered by any type of insurance besides Blue Cross. I reserve the right to lie under such circumstances. If you want information about somebody else, you should go and ask them directly. Don’t know if they even exist? That is not my problem, you didn’t say anything specifically about it before you took my money. What gets me is people who think public information has to be there. I don’t recall Equifax asking me if they could keep credit records on me, type of thing . . .

           I’ve lost my voice. Chuck and a few others have the same thing. Plus a nagging cough, but the bright side is this is the only time I’ve had any such illness in what, seven years now. Taking stock, I see I have to head back to the west coast again as soon as finances permit. Too much unfinished business. I’ve found a Belize group, none of whom seem to have been anywhere or done anything even in Belize. But it is a step closer to finding out what is really going on in Long Caye. I mean, I have never heard of a real estate outfit that does not follow up its leads.

           Oh, and in the process, I’ve got a 5 foot 7 hazel-eyed Caucasian interested in me. Says she is from New York and is looking for someone with a sense of humor. She butted into a chat I was having, and when she discovered she is three years younger , decided “that’s a good match”. Isn't that the way to troll, search for men looking to buy property in Belize. Hmmm, I didn’t know life expectancy was that high in them parts, and I’d heard everyone over 35 was stunted by pollution and crippled by taxes. I better read up on what the authority, Lou Grizzard, has to say about New York.

           [Authors note: The lady turned out to have recently lost 106 pounds. My ex-wife didn't [even] weigh that much. If you want to take a chance, fine, but I'm not a recovered anything and expect the same in a partner. I can be leery of anything, but I find ex-addicts to be loathsomely boring sorts.]

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