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Wednesday, January 28, 2004

January 28, 2004

           My weird neighbors are at it again. This is the moron who pulls that little string across the gate just tight enough so the next person can’t undo it. Thinks he is protecting his butt-ugly wife, or at least that must be what he tells her. Remember Colin? These are the type of couple he swears have farting contests. They are beyond ignorant.
           One of the things is timing. They don’t shower in the morning, though they are up an hour before me. No, they wait until I shower, and then begin to “teach me a lesson” by twigging the cold water tap when I’m in the shower. Also, in the evenings they have an equally disjointed life style. Random banging on the walls, and running a water tap on low for three or four hours at a time. Of course, it does not bother me, which I am sure they think so. I can sleep through anything except a dog barking and a phone ringing.
           It reminds me of my late teens, when my partner Rusty and I conspired to “let my family know” if something bothered me. It was planned in advance to be something that bothered me the least, just to watch how my family would then go out of their way, fanatically, to swear they had no choice but to do what they honestly believed kept me awake. What garbanzos, they fell for it every time.

           I’ve done my preliminary speed read of “The Female Eunuch”. Which has been on my bookshelf for over two years now. I’ll start the slow read soon, but the author seems to be pulling together other theories that have all done the rounds, and also has a fallacy of composition problem. The way a teenage boy approaches girls is not the definition of anything – remember the girl has probably received a hundred times the coaching on what to actually do than the average boy ever got from his father. I mean, how many fathers teach their teenage sons how to undo a bra clasp with one hand or explain what happens when a woman really has a orgasm, assuming the father even knew.
           Checking my internet account, I see the library has noticed some people have succeeded at cracking their security system. Who would do a thing like that just to keep their research private? Also the item I posted that the fountains of the Taj Mahal were only turned on to take tourist photos has drawn some flak. If it depicts the place is cheap, that is too bad. I was pointing out the fountains were not operating when I was there.

           [Author’s note: later I am informed that the fountains work entirely on water pressure from the nearby river. Maybe I got there during a drought. The point is, the fountains were not operating. Zip ahead to 2016, today's picture was added these twelve years later to give the page some interest. All I can say is the picture was probably taken in 2004, somewhere. I miss the prairie clouds, but not the prairies.]

           However, the criticism [from others] is that I don’t know what I’m talking about. Have that few people ever actually been there? At any rate, the ensuing flames exposed several Hindus (no Muslims or Buddhists) who have been highly critical of US customs. Once shown to be half-educated – none of them knew who Warren Hastings was (British Viceroy tried for corruption), what sacrifice was made to Kali (thugee human sacrifice), or how to correctly spell Mohandas Ghandi’s middle name (Karamchand), they have since had to change rooms out of embarrassment. They did not even know who succeeded Nehru (Lal Bahadur Shastri). Learn your stuff before you get on my case, folks.

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