For openers, dyslexia is not necessarily a learning disability. I know people who have it that consider it an advantage. In Iona’s case, there is something funny going on. When she misspells words, she sometimes gets the wrong number of letters. I call the [nonsense] on that one. The rule in the room is almost anything is okay if you are up front about it. She’s covering something and trying to prove a point at our expense. I’m going to expose her. Also, she has this big deal about how nice a person she is, often saying it out of context. Yet once when the topic of sex comes up, even marginally, she says things like what “gives” a man the “right” to “use” a woman to “relieve” himself. It seems to me even thinking in those terms is vicious. I’m going to bait it out of her soon.
It was quiet today, with all three of us helping on payroll. The auditors are in, and I’m glad to say they kept saying out loud what everybody already knew – I make the best coffee in town. Actually, there is a secret ingredient, although face it, coffee and toast already taste better when someone else makes it. I add just a few grains of iodized salt to the basket. Many years ago I discovered accidentally it makes the coffee sweeter in the sense of less bitter, and keeps it fresh-tasting up to an hour longer. Also, since my medical episode, I have been trying foods utterly off my diet for twenty or more years. One is canned pasta, things like spaghetti, ravioli, and macaroni. My conclusion is that the companies finally decided to do something about the former awful taste because there are some really good products out there these days, in that they actually taste like pasta. I chose them because of low sodium content, relatively, and they are (very gradually) finding their way back onto my weekly shopping list.
I’m reading a short book on US immigration policy that actually, without sounding redneck, is very critical of even allowing non-white immigration [at all]. Such a stand is always touchy around uneducated people, but the author dares make his point knowing he will be attacked over it. Titled “The Path to National Suicide”, he points out that immigration is not legally allowed where it would alter the ethnic, political or economic makeup of the (host) country. He clearly recognizes that entire peoples would rather immigrate to America than fight for their freedom wherever they were born. He is fair in many ways. He notes that European immigration was restricted by country, Asian by race. He points out that few non-white immigrants are skilled labor, that although the same number of Ethiopians as Irish arrive yearly, he knows of no contribution the Ethiopians have to “the making of America.”
Nor, he stresses, is the immigration evenly spread, with almost one in four going to California. The majority of immigrants no longer arrive from countries with strong histories of individual respect or freedoms. If a black man marries a black woman and belongs to an all black church, he is not considered a racist as would be correspondent for a white man. His point is that whereas we once fought for independence, we no longer dare to. [The book states] that the government has not seriously ever tried to stop illegal immigration. That the current path will undermine the very things we stand for by 2050 AD when the white Anglos become a minority overall (48.6%). Golly, and all I wanted to do was marry a blue-eyed blonde because so am I, but now I better not say that even if it is true, folks.