He’s got this book of auction furniture. Did I see some incredible stuff. Ever seen a desk that cost $50,000.00? I’ve seen a picture of one. It’s got a spot for every do-dad you’ve got. JZ mentioned he’s talked to Mary-Jo about a business. I know he’s got backing, he said $20,000 but I just don’t think we’ll need that much, and if we do we have to protect whatever we spend that kind of cash on. I’m still trying to get my station wagon [the Taurus] back on the road. By the way, it is getting harder to start all the time, yet runs fine.
Then he traded me a video called Total Eclipse, which I may watch on Thursday even though it stars that terribly boring Leonardo DiCaprio. Speaking of Thursday, remind me to cook for the weekend because I have to do laundry and I haven’t a damn thing to wear. Either that or drive around to find another laundromat, and you know what this town is like when you really need something. Even my phone books are more than two years out of date, so no wild goose chases.
JZ and I also talked about phones, and he is finally convinced I used to work for the phone company. Did you know it took 131,166 telephone poles for the first transcontinental lines? Or that almost one call in seven is crank or obscene? That one phone employee in three has a second part-time job?
We also talked about selling things. I hesitate, and if I do, I would tend to sell them on the Internet. I simply have an aversion to inventory, or anything really that ties you to one spot, or makes you a sitting duck. My thinking is I have two advantages. One, I don’t have to make a killing at it, and two, I do not believe the average person doing it works hard at to make a profit. Nobody works hard, in my opinion, unless they are desperately trapped somewhere. I’m going to do a few searches to see if there are any legitimate drop-shippers left in America. Then base the business in Venezuela. I hear last year over $16 billion was spent on the Internet. I just want a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of one percent. JZ has to make a return on his time, I only have to make a return on my investment. My economic order quantity is what fits in the trunk of my car.