Face it, I am the only person in the world that cannot make shake and bake chicken. It comes out burned on one side, and soggy instead of crispy on the other. I’ve learned to freeze it and eat it the next day. I just cannot make it come out of the oven steaming and crispy like the picture on the package. You’d think it’s just a matter of following directions, but I’ve had people watch me, and I do it right. It’s a good thing I can make excellent coffee or I’d be really down.
I gave up on trying to make a decent meal of pork shish-kebab. Now in the process, I forgot to cover my rice for the 40 minutes it was in the microwave. You know, it came out just fine. Laura’s going away party is tomorrow, so I had to get everything done today. Which I did, and I’m going to watch that video, Total Eclipse.. After work, I zipped over to Flamingo and picked up eight new books. I decided that was more important than doing the laundry and gives you a glimpse of my priorities.
For the first time, I skipped my prescription. The side effects are cumulative and I know the standard doses are on the heavy side for me. Deadly thirst, sore toes, muscle spasms and twitches, hunger attacks, mild ear aches, and my eyes water heavily if I stand up quickly. My productivity at work has also dropped off, my guess is about 40%. I can still claim to be way faster than some people, but you know my work ethic.
Remember Iona? The disruptive lady on our Hi-Q chat. Got her. She is not dyslexic at all, she is too lazy to learn how to spell properly, and is using dyslexia as an excuse. People with IQs in the temperate zone do not have a right to assume we have nothing to do but allow for them. She seems to have a good education which has done her no good, so now her “crusade” is learning disabilities. Like a born-again, she does not see herself as annoying, she believes she is raising our “awareness” by getting on our nerves. She has been on this tack for months. Bothering people and imposing on them is, in her books, proof that she is “making progress”. We’ve all agreed on a group ignore until she goes away. I finally dug up her picture in an old profile, and she even looks old and bitter.