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Tuesday, February 24, 2004

February 24, 2004

          This is my new room passing inspection from the household cats. Actually one was hers and the other her parents. Siamese cats which took a liking to me. That is my piano bench on the left, back when I used to lug such things around. I eventually let Julie K. have the piano and got myself a keyboard.

          [Author’s note: Jesse was a cook at the Hialeah Denny’s where I spent many a morning over coffee. We chummed around for a while, went to a few parties. But he wanted to open his own restaurant and Denny’s was purposely not letting him get the experience needed to go it alone. Eventually we both moved away.]

          Jesse’s car is not holding up. He reminds me a lot of myself, if I’d had the options when I was 21. He actually saved up $6,000 and spent another $2,000 on the car. Miami looks at first glance like a used car paradise, but in reality it is mostly junk. He’s had to sink another $2,000 into it, and now the water pump just died. Also, Denny’s is cutting back his hours. Apparently below a certain amount they don’t have to pay benefits and such. I advised him to immediately, but quietly, start looking for another job.
          I have never figured out the logic behind those two-piece jar lids. You know, the flat part that fits over the mouth, and the second part you screw down over this. There has to be a reason. Meanwhile, this other place in Belize has been contacting me. They have some land for sale. I may do it just to figure out the way these things are done. The outfit is American based, which came out during negotiations. Who else but an American thinks “closing costs” are a natural part of real estate sales. That is total crap, closing costs are a Made In America ripoff. Also, they didn’t at first understand that credit reporting agencies are a third party and I treat them as such.

          [Author’s note: I toyed with the idea of cheap land in Belize but it is clear the places for sale are not as high above sea level as they are claiming. It was an interesting diversion from the routine at work. Maybe one day I’ll go down there for a look myself.]

          [Author’s note 2024: I never did get to Belize, which turns out not such a bad thing. Except for the heavily patrolled Canadian settlements, the place has reverted to another central American cesspool of crime and gangs. Even in the supposedly safe zones, Whites are advised not to walk alone or carry anything expensive that might attract attention.]