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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

June 15, 2004

           Today, 1,559 years ago my ancestors sacked Rome. I like that, sacked, as in tea-bagged. Well all I can tell you Pilgrim is them Eye-talians had it coming. How was I to know they'd get us back by making C+ the language of the Arduino. If you have not guessed by now, this entry was written in 2014. But let me check the trusty, rusty calendar.
           It says here JZ bought "self-priming" paint, two five-gallon buckets. What we need is the self-painting brand and we can go contracting. I vaguely remember this day, we met up at the Home Depot in South Miami and drove over to the old estate. We put the buckets in the garage but decided it was too late in the day to start the job. He wanted to paint by the light of the moon. Projected start time was that upcoming Saturday.

           I also recall this day because I visited Julie the key-enter time clerk [from work]. She asked me about being an actress. She had plowed a small fortune of her wages into attending various acting academies without ever landing any kind of acting job. She was a single mother with less than perfect teeth. My experience is that it is not the qualified actor that gets the job, but the one who is available at the studio when they need somebody. If I know this, the people who hire lot hands certainly know it also.
           For some reason I noted the fact that I earned "only $193.50", calling it a "slow Tuesday". Sure could use that kind of money nowadays.

           And it was today in 1956 that Paul McCartney had the incredible good luck to meet a 16-year-old kid named John Lennon. McCartney hasn't worked a day since, except maybe to do his bit to ensure no bass player ever again becomes the best member of his band. Here is what I believe is the first picture of John Lennon performing live. He is center-stage in this 1957 picture. Estimates put the number of teen bands in England at that time as 65,000. Most built their own instruments, these guys plainly did not.