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Saturday, June 26, 2004

June 26, 2004

           (It says here) JZ and I went over to dad's place to water the plants. I recall this because it was the first time I'd heard of that green "fertilizer paint" that golf courses sprayed on burn spots. Next, it says we went to Radio Shack. I can't explain that, few people have less use for that store than JZ.
           It was today in 1956 the US government announced the construction of 41,600 miles of interstate highways, saying it was a "public works". In reality, it became what it is today--a glorified government-subsidized trucking route that drew business away from the cities it was supposed to support and bankrupted the railways. On this day in 1998, Windows 98 was released claiming it had plug-n-play for video cameras. It still doesn't work. And National Cash Register scanned its first bar code, a package of gum.
           Here is springtime on Neptune. The good news is that season lasts 81 years 3 months.

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