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Saturday, July 24, 2004

July 24, 2004

           The incomplete calendar notes say JZ and I went to see a 3D movie and were not impressed. Also, that I had to move the car, which draws a blank memory for me. Move a car? Maybe back to west Texas if I had the money. Here is a picture of the analemma. That's the figure eight thing infinity symbol you see on some globes. It is a sun pattern, and one of my tasks is to figure it out.

           [Author's note 2017: now I remember the car. It was the Taurus which I had parked on the street near the compound where I worked. It was there for months, never bothering anyone. But the City of Doral saw fit to pin a note on it saying it had to be moved. Thank goodness I kept that car, it was the only transportation I had for a few years after my Caddy was gone. That's the same Ford Taurus that took the toothpicks to California a year previous. The picture below is the Taurus at Ocean Reef on July 22 in 2004. I was going to link back to it, but what the heck, I'd rather repeat the photo.
           The picture above is a demonstration of how long things can take. It would be some ten years before I had time to study celestial navigation and learn about this stuff. How nice it must be to have the means to pursue these things when one is young instead of working like a slave to pay the bills. Sigh. And be careful not to hand me that crap that anybody can do anything they want if they really try for only a loser who never tried would think such a thing.]

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