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Monday, July 24, 2006

July 24, 2006

           [Author's note 2016: This is a Dragon Naturally Speaking transcript. The picture is added later for effect. In 2006, I was still considering returning to work, including moving to California. Instead, I used the money to stay in Florida. Hmmm.]

           Another minor breakthrough with Internet styling. I’ve discovered that certain CSS stylesheets can be defeated by in-line rules. So I spent the afternoon setting up free ads with embedded graphics. Chances are this is not supposed to happen but to late now. When you leave a hole in the fence you can’t blame the boys for sneaking through.

           My newest student, Al, was in for his usual two hour stay. This means a tank of gas at a time, so I don’t mind. He has signed up to be a distributor for some kind of patent registration outfit on the Internet. I’m leery of anything that is remotely like a pyramid, but this one is significantly different in that the money (if any) comes from patent applications, not from recruiting new members.
           Thus, he needs a business plan and a full set of computer equipment both purchased and set up. I can see a few dollars for myself in this. Other than that, another quiet day. Afterward I went shopping at Wal-Mart for basics. Like business card blanks and office envelopes. That reminds me, I have $78 in receivables that should be showing this week. It has indeed been a slow month. I’m covered but barely.

           I’ve confirmed that Howard’s Internet problem is an IP address conflict, a topic which still baffles me. That should be an easy repair. Jack, the taxi driver, called back. They have finally decided to do something about sharing the DSL connection and I see they tried all of the shortcuts before deciding that maybe my services are needed afterall. They even got some extra supplies from BellSouth, none of which they really needed. It is revealing that BellSouth, who no doubt knew exactly what they wanted to do, still sent them the wrong thing (a filter splitter, a disk and a twelve foot phone cord).
           There is an ad in the paper for somebody to drive around and place a lock on marine cargo containers. They are out of Bakersfield (CA) and the deal is that they give you the last known location of a container that is overdue on the rent. You drive out there, post a past due notice and padlock the container. The pay is $10 per hour plus $10 per container plus 31 cents per mile. If they do not require a Florida license, I may just consider this. Figure it out, if I travel 50 miles round trip in three hours, that is, $55.00. Anyway, it is an interesting way to get around and if it is not dangerous, I may seriously consider it. That ad clearly states it is part time and you work your own hours. I would be available for very long weekend trips.

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