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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

July 25, 2006

           Business just doubled for the week. My single remaining student called for an extra lesson tomorrow. Keep it going, he has to pay my rent next month single-handedly. I was able to get four hours in the shop into advertising for a variety of different themes, all of which pointed the user back to our main site.
           How does this explain how I wound up in Coral Springs picking up a carload of used 17” monitors? Throw in a couple of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) units to really fill the car to the ceiling. I found them under free in the computer listings. I had plenty of time to look because I grabbed the wrong newspaper article heading out the door. I had wanted to check out that container job from Bakersfield but I grabbed a hurricane safety checklist instead. (Hey, I’d rather grab that than a blizzard checklist any day.)
           The first utility bill came for JZ, it is $110.58. That means without any serious air conditioning, the power for this place is around $33 per month in the summertime. Down from $100 at the last place. I called him for a couple of reasons, the main one being that there was a beautiful $1,000 fridge for free around two miles from his condo. With the in-door ice maker and the freezer underneath. French doors, I think they call them.

           [Author's note 2021: here's an excellent view of the original trailer in tales from the trailer court. Note the snappy paint job and the concrete skirt. I did all that. This picture will correspond with near the era when this blog began to get published. Today's presentation is upgraded to the standards learned over the years. If I live long enough, may the whole publication get the same treatment.]

           The photo [of the fridge] has gone missing, but it looked great, it stood a good 6 feet high, perfect for this joint. I needed JZ as there was no way of getting that in the station wagon. He was not at home issed him by a half-hour. He was over there hanging more pictures. Pretty soon it will be an art gallery. His horrid ex-girlfriend, the anorexic, anemic freak of a Carla is back in the picture. I do not like her and never will.
           It’s the old story. She was never that good-looking, but she was a blonde. Exactly the kind of blonde that men who can’t get blondes go after. She became a total user by 18 years old. The problem is that she is still trying to pull that off at 40 and it is not working. I can’t blame JZ, everybody’s got a vice. I mean, I’d like to have one, or two, of those, but on demand, I mean.

           Possibly another sale. That spunky gal at the donut shop needs a laptop. She is heading back to Columbia to go to college in September. Sigh, compare that to my options at that age. Maybe there are a few word processing lessons in there for her as well, and now that I know it is daddy’s money, the price goes up. People who have money to fly their teenage daughters to Florida rarely get a price break from me.
           That was JZ on the phone. We are planning a weekend day cruise. I want to head on a charter boat, he would likely want to put the $75 gas in his dad’s boat and head out, but I disagree. We would not meet any women that way. I still have visions of my first job at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. I was standing on the platform handing out the paychecks one Friday when a yacht went past less than three hundred feet away.
           The two guys steering were not yet 30, and they had these two model trophy babes on the deck. Of course, the whoop went up from 90 full-blooded Latino construction laborers. The two babes looked over, saw the water was too wide and deep for any trouble, and off came the bikini tops. Must be nice. That was in March, 2001, if I recall.

           Mike and Fred are okay with the new ad campaign. This is a larger targeted audience than ever possible before. Now that I see that CL is really a standard HTML header that adds in the body entered via an e-mail like text box, I can probably keep ahead of any efforts they make to stop inter-site advertising. By that, I mean that they have a robot that tries to cut down on people posting the same ad in more than one of their jurisdictions. The problem is that we are exactly between two big sites and need to cover both for business.
           I’m also scouting for a new database idea, something that makes it more convenient to visit my web page than to carry reference material around. Or a game, something that gives people a reason to keep returning to my site. I would go broke in a month trying to advertise for the same effect. I’m thinking of a small database with all 75 of the CSS commands sorted by the effect they produce. Remember, it took the very biggest corporations in the country to narrowly beat out my last idea. This one would be considerably shorter range, since the last one took so long it gave them the edge. My goal is to get something that works, then sell out to one of those corporations. Like AVG sold out for $740,000,000 a short while ago. That’s right, seven hundred and forty million dollars.

Last Laugh