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Thursday, August 10, 2006

August 10, 2006

           Al Capone. What does today have to do with him? Patience, grasshopper, I’ll get to that. First let me tell you about the day, this is a journal when all is said and done. I report yet another happy adult computer slash Internet user out the door today. The average adult takes just four lessons with me because that is usually all they need – somebody to show them how.
           I got caught in a rain shower and called the G from under a convenient awning. He is playing at HWB tomorrow. He has tentatively agreed to turn the management of the band over to me, in return I want him referring to us as a duo and to learn new material. Yes, I am aware he has agreed to similar things before but this time I disappeared for two months. It must have been a humbling thing for him to call me and ask me to show up.

           Howard called today. He requires something called Technorati. I’ve heard of it and think it has something to do with web searches finding your page, but as far as usefulness, relegate it to something I’ve never heard of. Daniel was in for his lesson a little late, it seems a generator blew up at their apartment last night. The fire department evacuated the building until five in the morning. I almost inherited the kid. His mother has gotten so used to him being here that I guess she started driving home without him. (The peace and quiet probably tipped her off.) She walked in just before we had to close shop.
           Then, that Max Shibo(?) guy called. He seems to be a real fan of wireless mouse (the correct plural of the computer device) and keyboards. Well, he really screwed up royally this time. I may go see him tomorrow. Rocio (say “raw-SEE-oh”) missed her first lesson today, not an uncommon thing. Her mother forgot. Rocio is the Spanish word for “dew”.
           Thanks to said rainstorm I ducked into that science store for kids on Harrison. It is full of rich-kid creative toys, you know, the ones you buy that do something when your kid is so dumb that he can’t. I bought Fred one of those magnetic wands for picking up game pieces so he could run it over the carpet and get all those missing computer screws. The owner, Mike(?) and I got to chatting. He does get a lot of parents looking for computer tutors for their children.

           So I instantly hopped behind the counter and showed him how to put a passel of great features on his web page and how to cure a few obvious troubles he was having. He is sold and will send the parents my way. I should have thought of that store before. It is full of telescopes, microscopes and test tubes.
           Then I went on an evening service call at the American-Czech Club on Arch Creek Rd. I needed the gas money. Turns out their router packed it in. The guy has it made, he is the manager of the club, essentially living on a private four acres of land in the middle of North Miami. The place had a certain ambience. Turns out this is exactly where Al Capone conducted his smuggling operation.
           The club backs up to Arch Creek and there is a mysterious door on the second floor that leads nowhere. The living quarters are upstairs with one entrance at the top of a flight of stairs, so I must have been standing exactly where Al once stood when I took this picture. I booked us there for New Year’s Eve for $1200, nothing firm yet but my guess is old Beatles goes over great with Czechs. Did I just say “passel”?

           [Author's note 2019: this post represents another "anniversary coincidence". I recall the Al Capone house, but not that it was reported on this day in 2006. Later, upon picking a random yesteryear, I landed here. By coincidence, the Reb and I had been talking about this house this morning.]