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Friday, August 11, 2006

August 11, 2006

This morning I was over at Al’s showing him some details to running his business, whatever that is, and to keep him from buying a ton of software he will never use. Things like Quicken which are far too useless for serious businesses to tackle on their own. Most people wind up using one of the templates they provide, such as the ever popular dog-grooming business. Prices definitely may go up to prevent people from relying on me for too much, you understand.

Examine the nearby picture closely. It is the band. We haven’t played in two months due to the G’s management skills. He talked me into doing some Bob Marley. Read on and I’ll tell you about the gig later. He is a musician, I am an entertainer. He eats bread all the time, I eat bread once every other month. You could hardly find two more mismatched performers. He believes in the mystical, I go for what can be proven by scientific methods. Not to be confused with the methods used by scientists.
Young Daniel was in for his final regular lesson and he has gotten information overload. My diagnosis is that he is mildly more active than the average child but he is by no means gifted in any way. Sharp, but sharp like me, which I tell you first hand is very different than gifted. His mother mentioned that none of the local schools have any private computer classes for children, which surprised me.
She commented that there are classes in everything from ballet to music to French which cost $80 for one and a half hours per month. That is outrageous and what does a four year old need with French lessons? She says she will give me an excellent reference if I approach the schools with computer classes. One thing that stunned me with Daniel was what the public schools had not taught him. Whatever classes he took before me amounted to using the computer as a surrogate babysitter.
As a former victim of the school system, I see that little has improved. Something as important as education should never be left to a government department. Bureaucracy can only self-check for the presence of errors, not the absence of errors. That means nobody gets suspicious or disciplined when an exception to the rules is mistreated.
Speaking of mistrust, a totally slimy creep was in the office y’day. He said he wanted to use the Internet, but he wasn’t really on long enough. I didn’t watch him because I had a student but I know a dismal sumbitch when I see one. He asked how many computers I had when it was obvious there were five. Then he got evasive when I asked him a couple of casual questions. Mark my words he was up to something fishy. I immediately called Patrick and we’ve arranged to completely replace all the hard drives [on my systems] by noon on Monday.
From there I biked over to HWB for the annual Lobsterfest. What a joke. I mean, I feel sorry for the restaurant owners because the whole beach was full of people walking but not buying food. Then again, the beach is a disgracefully expensive place to eat and that alone is the major reason people don’t go there. We’ve played the weekend before but it has never been as stone dead as tonight.
Zero in tips. There were a few, a very few, sexy women out there but all teenagers in groups. Florida is the nation’s capital for ugly women over thirty. There was one blonde that caught my eye. Beggars can’t be choosers. She had a thick waist. Ha – you thought I meant I was the beggar. No way, look at Mr. Cool in the sunglasses. All I need is a big boil-like Telly Savalas zit on my cheek to be totally California.
I am going to put a hand brake on my bike in addition to the coaster brake. One has to continually dismount and ride the pedal at intersections and you can figure out why I need it.