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Saturday, August 12, 2006

August 12, 2006

Ah, finally a little time for some reading. I was buying hard drives. It seems I had a sudden urge to upgrade all my Internet equipment up to 160 GB drives. That is all that happened today because it was just too hot outside. Nobody was out there in force despite it being a nearly perfect Florida summer day. Myself, I retreated to the donut shop for some decaf for the remainder of the after noon, reading an older text on Javascript, a remarkable work for its date [of 2000]. I have a better volume but can’t find it since I moved last May.
When is a rebate not a rebate? There could be countless variations on that and today we look at the one from Circuit City. Now, should not a rebate be money you get back? That is what I thought. Circuit City has narrowed that definition some, geniuses that they are. First, you have to give them your life history so they can profile you, that is standard. These new rebates are one to an address. It is a good thing I have several.
From there, it turns out the rebate can take up to 90 days. Another departure from truth is that of the $60 rebate advertised, $20 of it is a “gift card” you can only spend at Circuit City within a certain time limit. Don’t we love these people enough already? What hurts the most is that this nonsense only works because the average American is too chickenshit to do anything about it.
Actually, what I mostly have against these places is their policy regarding receipts. They won’t do anything unless they see the original receipt. My beef is that it is a ploy, a scam designed to take advantage of the fact that a certain percentage of customers don’t have receipt filing departments. I know this because they will not accept a copy (scanned or photocopy) of the receipt, they insist on the original, yet when the original is supplied they merely glance at it and hand it back. That proves it contains no relevant information, just an exercise to fatigue you.

By late afternoon the heat was still up there so I biked over to Starbucks. There were actually some doable babes in the place. It was such a slow night that I was the only decent-looking male in the joint. I collected a few glances from the lustier ones, but nothing direct enough. What advice can I give these women? For starters, you must, must, must show direct [immediate, positive, exclusive] interest to get a guy like me. Even if it hurts your “pride”, godammit you are over thirty and single so start getting your confidence together. I have had too many aggressive women walk right up to me in my life to waste any time playing cutesy teenage games with ex-housewives.
Ladies, when you see a man reading a textbook, it is unlikely he is going to put it down and start making eyes at you. Try walking over and asking what’s so interesting because my world, that is what you are competing against. Knock it off with the inane posturing. One blonde was doing the “telepathic hustle” on me and I thought she was going to cry when I got up to leave. What? Oh, she was way too fat for me.