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Friday, August 18, 2006

August 18, 2006

           The day was not boring for me. First of all, I biked over to Hollywood Beach and rigged up the final parts of the computer system for Big Al. He is unfamiliar even with the equipment he is selling. The video phone system is becoming familiar and along with that the parts that don’t work well.
           Still, we got contact and held a few calls to test the limits. One thing is that when it is over the Internet, the two-way signal degrades a little. You quickly learn to slow down in front of the camera although I must point out that things like that were not part of the deal, if you follow me. It is an impulse item and everyone who tried it loves the thing.
           Then, the CIA guy came in. This is the character who knows all these high profile people and owns a $150,000 grand piano that he cannot play. We’ve always considered him eccentric because he claims to know people in the CIA and to own part of a Cayman Islands real estate company. Here, take a look at his dog and tell me if I’m overusing my adjectives. He brings in an oil on canvas painting of some sports star named Dan Marino, who I thought was a used car salesman. We are talking signed copy with COA [certificate of authenticity] in turn signed by Rich Altman. The CIA guy wants to see what it will bring on eBay. Suddenly, so do I.

           We may have had our first major theft at the shop. The place is very secure, as in we have to buzz customers in the front door. Yet somebody seems to have gotten in and out with two laptops. We’ve have not ruled out all possibilities but that we do have that last part on our hands. They must have gotten in, past us both, behind the counter and back out again. We recall everyone who was in the store between us and further suspect an inside job as very few people know the security camera is a fake.
           Then, the Argus let me down again. It seems to clear itself for no reason. Linux is also having trouble reading the memory. I still do not understand why I have to download the pictures, that is, why I cannot just go in there and browse the contents. The catch is that I have to do the work here and take it to the office until I get Linux working in all major modes. I get there and the pictures have disappeared. Including the ones of Dan Marino.
           While I was over at the beach, I called Alice, the lady with the computer that only spoke Italian. That one was a challenge. Or is Alice the daughter? They seem to have figured out the basics of their equipment, including changing the printer cartridges. No business to be picked up there, however, since the daughter told me she was on some kind of disability pension. (Different strokes, you know, as some of the most productive times of my life have been when I was on some kind of disability income.)

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