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Sunday, August 20, 2006

August 20, 2006

It was an after-storm cleanup day so I didn’t even consider going to Ft. Lauderdale. In the end it didn’t rain much. I needed the time off and went over to JP’s where we watched a Chuck Norris movie. Something is wrong, he only beat up one or two guys in the whole movie. What, is he running for President or something?

JP and I went over to Publix and I got the fixin’s together for turkey stew. JP has never had it and kept thinking I was making soup. At first we thought about going over to his dad’s to get this marble vanity. We plan to sell it on Craigslist. I want to see it first because I can’t picture it entirely from JP’s description. It is the base beneath the sink but not the sink or the pedestal. Anyway, if it is from his dad’s house, it will be pretty nice.

This picture is not in St. Louis. I wanted to show you that some people hook a fire extinguisher in their car. Why they do this I cannot say, car fires are more common on TV than in the real Miami. It was afterward I noticed the archway in the background. You can see this on the Palmetto Freeway (the “l” is pronounced) by a furniture store. JP was intrigued by how these photos wound up on his computer so fast. So we spent an hour taking short movie clips with the Argus. Yes, it does that too. Cheap, but they work.
We stopped at AutoZone and picked up a new battery for the Taurus. That means I got 18 months out of the last one, what a rip-off. The deal set me back $65 so that is not too bad. I have a new beef with Tigerdirect. They have a web page that advertises items as “available”. What does that mean to you? If you go to their store, they should have it, right? No, not in the store in Ontario, and no, not by tomorrow. You drove over there and you want it now.
The excuse they gave me was that people who shop on line intend to buy on line. Absolute nonsense, that is like saying someone who look in a newspaper intends to use the mail service. Right adjacent to the ad is a store locator function. Again, what does all this mean to you? I remember it most because I took it upon myself to totally discredit the salesman to gave me that line. I love it when some twenty-year old punk tries to make like he knows more about computers than I do. I now mean-mouth Tigerdirect. If you don’t have it on the shelf, find another word than the misleading “available”.
My intended purchase was that 4-channel PCI card. I stopped at Brandstupid and they had a similar outfit for $20 more. Some company called Swann, probably Chinese. I read the specs and it seems almost a conspiracy that none of these [security camera] cards will accept a USB camera. Yet they are a computer peripheal and the cameras have the same innards. I decided to pass on the deal until I can find a card that accepts web cams.
A couple of experiments failed today. One is that I could not trick Craigslist into accepting embedded Javascript. I’ll attack it from the header they attach or see if I can find their style sheet so I can rename divisions or classes to defeat their coding. The other is that I cannot seem to find the method for attaching those animated clips to the Craigslist postings. On that one I may have to resort to trial and error.