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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

August 23, 2006

           The conclusion is that I have the wrong version of Linux installed on one of the office computers. It does not work under any circumstances with a networked printer and resets itself to root user on every boot. Great, because I don’t know how to confront that yet. I spent the quiet parts of the day updating the Internet advertising.

           Mike is in the hospital, something about an irregular heartbeat. Myself, I put 8.703 miles on the bicycle today, and it is beginning to show. My average speed is 9.5 mph with very little variation. The day was blustery and nothing happened of note. Then again it is only 5:30 PM, I’m only home this early due to afternoon rain. I discovered my Gemini camera will take a good long video, in fact, let me time it in comparison to the 4 seconds available on the Argus. Comes to 48 seconds of truly crappy video, more like a series of nervous stills.
           The water tower is intentionally in the center of the picture, this is not an amateur error. The idea is to draw the eye to the contrast between the storm and the sunset.
That’s full color stills, mind you, and with plenty of clear details. Enough to ID the perp and beat out the Zapruder film. A kid from Argentina [wow, I have trouble with that accent] came in this morning looking for that Pentium P965(?), the chip with the dual processors that makes it essentially a 4+ GHz machine. It’s only possible use right now is gaming. He went on to say he is trying to find a quad unit that apparently is the equivalent of a 16 GHz computer. We could not help him at all. I momentarily reflected on how that situation could only exist with a vastly unequal distribution of wealth.

           [Author's note 2017: This was the summer that I could barely move. In those circumstances, it makes sense that I watched such statistics my bicycle mileage as an indicator of my recovery.]

           It is time to review the investment in the newest computer at the shop. That was $350 I could barely afford. It has brought back 59.1% in a little under 3 months. Not good enough, but that is 100 times faster than investing in government bonds. Now that it cleared a little, I’m going to take the bike out for an evening run.
           I wound up all the way over at Borders in Aventura. Let me get my trusty speedometer, ah, here it is. That is 3.637 miles from here. The Schwinn has an interesting feature. The odometer measures to the thousandths. That means the trip meter is moving along and provides the illusion that you are really covering ground. I stopped a few times to gander, including a stop at a war memorial that had an obvious eternal flame on top of a cenotaph. It was out and rusted, a telling commentary not on apathy, but on how much the average American remembers after 50 years of constant television.
           In the end, I put 15.637 miles on the bike in 1:39:36 averaging 9.4 MPH. I think I’ll practice some bass. The back pickup came loose while I was cleaning it y’day and I had fun trying to get the tiny bracket screws back into place. This is that custom bass built by Vinnie at Mars Music before they went under. Many people still cannot believe he sold it to me. It still has pictures of his kids behind the neck.

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