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Thursday, August 24, 2006

August 24, 2006

           Today may go down in history as one of those mystery days where nothing unusual happened on the planet. The odd suicide bomber, a plane crash somewhere and a fire or two, but that is it. The Sunshine State didn’t let me out of the house until past noon and it started coming down again by 5:00. Officially this is high hurricane season but that is synonymous with lousy weather unless the storm actually hits your house or car. If not, it could have hit Patagonia for all anyone around here cares.
           Additional evidence points to a bad Linux install, or an install with a bad configuration. The machine in question was worked on by Patrick’s uncle and I’m first to admit different skill levels on even the most automated install. I made an extra pot of mint tea and sat down at the thing for hours on end.
           Next, I nicely deleted the drivers for the new video camera. I also just remembered the disk might be in the Quizno’s laptop. Great. Now you won’t hear me bitch about how I could not find the driver on the web. If I was in charge, every company that ever produced anything as bastardized as a device driver would have to list them all at a single central location for free downloading in perpetuity. Also, all cameras would have to use the same drivers, the only variation allowed would be the quality.

           In the off moments, I listed that Dan Marino portrait for sale on Miami Craigslist. (Yes, I am aware it is not capitalized but I follow correct rules for proper nouns unless given a good reason to do otherwise.) I’m throwing it on the local list before I go to eBay for it, the asking price is $1600 but it is clear that we are open to higher offers. I put the deadline for next Monday, the 28th. Of course, I could change my mind.
           The laser image is a photograph. The rest of the picture is painted around that and I think the color matching is superb. Let’s see what this stuff can bring, as far as I’m concerned I’d like good nude if such a thing exists any longer. There wasn’t enough time or I would have listed that 1947 New York Yankees World Series pin for $750.

           Speaking of New York, or is that New Jersey, same difference, in walks Justin. [He was up there for a week.] They modeled Crusty the Clown after someone like Justin. He runs these web sites that are a collection of web pages for used bakery equipment. A pile of clients pay him $400 per month to keep these things going and he has been turning away work because of lack of time to do the updates. I am about to put you to sleep here. Have a donut. If you like it, I can get you a machine that makes 400 dozen an hour.
           He used Frontpage to do basic graphics but the product is still plain looking. Both Fred and I have been looking to get some experience with paying web pages. We ran into the same situation – it is just as difficult to learn on a sample as on a live paying page, so we never got around to it. Justin gets the clients and he appreciated my pointing out that he should be doing that instead of routine coding, which by coincidence I happen to enjoy. So we’ve agreed to jazz up one of the pages using CSS.

           Justin had contacts in the business and reacted to their need to move old equipment. He told me that sure enough, every person he tried to hire to help him do the coding never lasted two months. They all knew more about the technical aspect than he did, but knew nothing of operating the business. Sounds familiar. Anyway, my motive is to produce the pages until I’m a pro, then find out how Justin learned about web servers and all the stuff to run the business.

           Here is a picture of the Dan Marino signature in my custody. Offers by email only, no way could you pay me enough to answer the telephone. That makes it the first autograph I’ve ever really seen that had any value. Yeah, you can have a look at the 1947 pin as well. It has a screw-on clip at the back. That is correct, the post is threaded and you screw a solid brass ring onto the back. The ring has saw-tooth edges to grip your jacket. The pin itself is solid brass with enameled artwork and carries the imprint “Pieces Club” on the back. It is quality not found anymore, for sure.
           I used Fred’s expensive Canon camera to take these photos. It has a macro setting, which normally means a setting to take pictures of small objects right up close. This one lies. It is a “digital macro” which enlarges the picture, but otherwise is misleading and you can see the pin is out of focus. This [photo] was the best of the lot. Shame on you Canon. Your marketing department has been “playing football without a helmet too long”.

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