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Saturday, August 5, 2006

August 5, 2006

My replacement bicycle has arrived. It is actually a better model for me than the Madwagon because it has a more compact frame. The cancer guy came by in the morning. The bike has double string seating, what a great ride for a lighter bike. It is safely inside my Florida room right how, I put three miles on it already.
I ran some real horse numbers on the spreadsheet. I would have won $100 on the first race with a $3.80 bet. However, I know that nothing makes luck go bad or a stock to plummet like me putting some real money on the line. Some bugs have to be worked out, for example, sometimes there are 12 races, other times 13. It makes a huge difference on the float.
Also, the spreadsheet won’t recurse on odd less than 2:1, yet many of the winning horses ran at 0.9. I have to ask Mike. Who would bet a dollar to win 90 cents? I mean, outside of people addicted to MySpace, that is. I’ll also need to know the system. I have no idea how to place a bet, either in person or online. When I bet, how do I find out who won? How long do I need to place a bet and how much time do I have? How do I pay? How do I collect winnings?
The history I’m investigating is only a month back, but indeed, the formula has paid off every day, with the possible exception of one day when the horse has a bunch of strange symbols next to the game. If anything schmucked up that day, the potential loss was $2,500, or more than 25 days winnings at the stakes I programmed.
A new student signed up today, Rocio. For the record, the entire interview and schedule was set up speaking only Spanish. She is 12, goes to a school nearby and has the prime spots of Thursday afternoon and Saturday morning. Mostly college prep material, word processing and such. Several people have commented on how wonderful the shop seems full of these kids. I don’t mind and I need the money.

The car is acting up, I think it is another battery gone. The Florida heat does a number on most batteries in less than two years. That was the major reason I decided not to head out to University Drive tonight and jam at the coffeehouse. There were lots of smaller reasons, such as it being a 25 mile trip to play three or four songs for free still not being my idea of a Saturday night out. Mind you, it beats bingo by a huge margin.
I photographed some more of Andrea’s artwork. She also has some silverware, record albums and tons of small carvings. Sorry about the washed out picture, but can anyone tell me what on Earth this was used for? It is one of two carvings in “African Jade” which I believe is identical to Italian marble. The base is hollow and has a tiny hole drilled in the back for what looks like an electrical cord. The carving stands a foot high, and has a cloth-lined hole an inch in diameter in the base. The statue is made of separate pieces glued together, weighing around four pounds total.
This new KPL, or Kid’s Programming Language, looks a lot like BASIC. Then, all so-called “new” programming languages look like basic, except for the highly and needlessly distorted models like C and C+. Named, I heard, for the average marks of the people that like it. I downloaded a version of it as stated on the Internet. I think they probably mean the compiler, or some kind of editor. The coding looks rather algebraic. It is supposed to integrate audio and video with the goal of creating new games. From what I have seen, it is far too advanced for Daniel. Maybe there is a subset of the language more suitable.