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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

August 8, 2006

Another fun day mainly because business is picking up. Andrea, the foxy lady with the African art came in. I showed her the virtual impossibility of finding a price on the Internet, especially on eBay. For all that is said for using the completed sales lists, it is so impractical to find anything that eBay has become useless. We found similar art for prices ranging from $3.65 to $4,600.

Debbie, this is the Jewish lady that I’m finding progressively more bothersome, left without paying y’day. She has a distinct attitude that since she was once good-looking that she is entitled to free things from me. I reminded her halfway through her session that neither the blank CDs nor my assistance burning them was included in the Internet rental fee. She still didn’t pay. Next time I cut her completely off. She left this photo of herself on the scanner. I presume I am to conclude she is a yacht girl, minimum.
Don’t be misled. This picture is very carefully posed and I already told you she had fantastic legs. The problem is that the rest of her and the attitude are attached to them. She plainly took modeling or posing lessons of some kind earlier in her career. She is pretty, but something that pretty is not divorced without a damn good reason. Somebody dumped her solid and the cause is not forthcoming, although I suspect it was because she only wants, never contributes.

Daniel is proving a little rambunctious. I think the daily lessons are too much for him and after Friday, once or twice a week will be enough to keep him interested in the novelty. He is smart enough to know that this whole adult system is not what it is cracked up to be and that he can get away with being young once, so why waste time doing adult things like learning. He’s got a lifetime to do that. Gee, how come I know so much about the psychology of that whole situation?
Unbelievable rainstorm even by Florida standards. This one lasted an hour, also rare. What a downpour coming in right off the Atlantic just after 4:00 PM. Yes, I rode my bike in to work today. That is part of the fun.
This morning I took a ride for two hours over by the Hallandale Blvd drawbridge. Only two homeless people sleeping under it. I saw an extremely uncommon sight, a whole family of blondes having coffee at Starbucks. The wife was so good looking I actually stopped and drank a cup of their ersatz muck.
The evening was taken up by a home office install. The guy got a new Dell and wanted the programs “migrated” over. I dislike this task because very few people have a clue about how to save and organize files. Thus, I have to search their entire drives to find what to copy. My fee ($70) is just to move the files, not to set up the computer. This was a bad one as everything was still in the packing crates when I arrived. All that moving and stringing cables costs extra. In the end I was there four hours setting up three printers and the cable modem.
We received CompUSA advertising today that stated their new prices. Basic on-site service is $84.95, intermediate service $109.95 and advanced is $139.95. Forensic data recovery is $195, security and threat assessment is $159.00. Our shop rate is $50 per hour. I must hang that advertisement in the shop window.