It was a day to sleep in. Nothing got underway until noon. After that it was all fun and games, more of a day off at the store you might say. Somebody donated one of those Tony Little Gazelle machines. Here is a still from the video where we discover a half-dozen suggestive motions not seen on TV. It’s a piece of junk that tries to get around the pain-gain rule, but a riot to play with.

When pressed for a reason behind this divorce, I heard a familiar word, “aburrido”. This could also go either way, because it usually means “bored” and could mean she left her husband over it. Such a weak-minded woman is unlikely to keep up with me, but on the other hand, Spanish is a horrible language for words that have multiple meanings. It could also mean weary, and that is marginally acceptable.
Afterward, I biked over to the G’s place for a Scrabble rematch. Again, he waxed me but it is getting ever later into the game before he takes the lead any more. He has memorized all the two and three letter words with rare consonants, picking up 37 points with a “xi” combination. It would have been very close, but he successfully challenged “jos”, which is not the plural of the acceptable “jo”, a referral to a girlfriend. Got me, because “joes” changes the meaning of the word and plural forms are not supposed to do that. I lost 48 points on “snuff” and my turn on that one.
[Author's note 2015-12-17: it is impossible for anyone like me to beat the G at Scrabble. Because I found out later he learned to play it in jail.]
He dug out a few versions of Trivial Pursuit. Like the Genus and Baby Boomer editions. The producers of this game don’t seem to realize how totally couch potato the questions have become. Even when the question concerns an historical event, it is along the lines of which reporter covered the story. It would require an intense lifetime of watching television to even begin to answer such questions and even then is an insult to the word Trivia. Mind you, it tells you who they are selling the game to. We packed them in the boxes and put them back on the shelf for another five years.
A guy named Jeff was in for an hour. He wants me to speak about Internet security to the Kiwanis club next month. I hesitate because the topic is very highly charged and my advice can infringe on what some people consider an obligation. My tactics can easily be used for the wrong purposes. The distinction is hard to spot, I am more against intrusion than invasion because it (intrusion) is insidious by nature. (In the end, I declined the invitation over this fine point.)
The whole day was frolic, so to lend a moment of seriousness, I used the pipecutter I borrowed from JZ to discover the old copper line is not self-flaring. Neither of us owns a flaring tool. This means some major chasing around town in the next few days. I was on the bike for 13.616 miles today and I’m feeling bagged.
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