This still hot on the presses, who remembers the Polish lady with the perfect figure? Who could forget? Now listen to me when I tell you she had a perfect body. I have, without any bragging, in my time, dated women (plural) so drop-dead beautiful who exuded such sexuality that whole rooms of strangers stopped when we entered. I am not some horny fool, horny yes, but no fool when I tell you what is good-looking, know ye damn well that I mean the real thing and I like classy.
She said hell with that and drove to Cannon Falls (Minnesota). Without even giving me a chance to make my pitch. Her loss. I headed up to Ft. Lauderdale to hook up a small factory network. I almost did it right even if it took all day. By almost, I mean that I finally leaned back from Windows XP Home Edition and set one feature to local because it would not network MS can be real dorks when it comes to such things, instead of making something that works, they gouge the public with different editions that are incompatible on important points. Then scream when people pirate rather than pay. Typical geek mentality.
Leo has invented a way to make better or higher octance diesel fuel out of waste vegetable oil. Not gasohol, we’ve all heard of that. And the rest of you who’ve heard about it before, be informed this is the guy who did it and that is what you heard. Did I catch anyone on that one? If so, serves you right. I loathe that small town mentality where people believe anything they hear as long as a stranger did it, but you – they want proof. Let’s have a show of hands.
Myself, I think it looks like beer. That may not be far off because the product is biological. Also new today, I saw a Comcast router. This surprised me because I know the background on that issue and it raised an eyebrow that they would condone splitting cable service in any way.
JZ never called and is not answering, so I went over to Northern Tools for a ‘boo. They have a limited selection to last time but I am very keen on what they have being non-perishable. Batteries have a long shelf life and Dickens sells items that use batteries. How do I put batteries into a vending machine so people have to buy them to test a product?
The G called, down in the dumps. No, not where he lives, but I mean in mood. The system keeps putting the gears to him but in a large part that is because he over-trusted the system to do right. Strange how some people have not figured out that almost the entire system is staffed by people out to find you doing something wrong – and merely different can represent wrong to a bureaucrat. If I was the G, I’d get a passport and go live in Belize for two years. You’ll find that almost every government record gets stale-dated in that time. Then move to Texas or someplace that leaves you alone.
It is as close as you’ll get to starting over, because nothing happens until you get stopped and in a new place and that can be years down the road. I get stopped by the police once every 25 years. However, the G seems to get stopped once every six months. You will never convince me that is simply bad luck.
Here is a plastic bag with a warning. [Sorry, no picture] It is an ordinary plastic bag that looks like gazillions of others. Bath crystals, huh? That's real bath stuff, not the kind you buy from Greek importers who hang out at Churchill's. Too bad I don’t keep such junk around for I’d try it right pronto. Under no circumstances, huh? Like maybe you might spill some? They’ll have to give a better explanation than that to sway me.
They are blasting fireworks on the beach again, just over a mile east of here. I wonder what the festival is. It’s too early for Xmas and Pearl Harbor. It is too late for the counterattack at Stalingrad, something that really should be celebrated. I rarely head over to these things any more, the Florida events are so cheesy, like one firework once in a while. Is it somebody’s birthday?
Sony let me down again. That DVD I made for Bob, although it will play, will not copy. I normally include a complementary copy but this one will not cooperate. Guess I’ll use the time to begin rigging up my music cart. This is a hand truck that I modify so I can wheel my entire bass-playing gear up on stage and plug in one item. I mount shelves on brackets and bolt on some hooks and outlets, then pre-wire everything. It takes two people to hike it up onto the bed of a truck or station wagon, but it sure beats packing gear.
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