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Sunday, December 3, 2006

December 3, 2006

           A Sunday in Florida. By the looks of it so far, another perfect day. I’ve got four hours before work so I’m biking down to Borders or the Barn. It is occasional but there are sometimes women in there, although they never talk to anybody except on their cell phone. I’d like to read and watch some people pretending to be doing important things on their expensive laptops.
           A few people are wondering about this picture. It is my bicycle handlebar with the bell. Oh, you mean her. Before you ask any questions, see if any of these answers fit:

           • Outside the Washington Mutual ATM at 7:30 this morning
           • I don’t know, I didn’t ask her
           • Maybe she is
           • Maybe she isn’t, but exactly what else are people supposed to think when you are dressed like that outside an ATM at 7:30 on Sunday morning

           It has come to my attention that some feel I said the bio fuel man was self-made. I never said that, for the term could apply to any man who made something of himself. You must already be rich to pursue certain life-long ambitions of the kind that get stifled when you must work to survive. Finding a replacement for petrochemicals is precisely such a project. The chap in focus here had a picture on his desk. He was around 24, with a blonde girlfriend standing beside a Ferrari with Swiss plates, so you figure out on your own if he is self-made.
           I am again thinking of contacting the Chinese trade people. I just read one of the most hilarious set of instructions yet. My feelings are that I would make a superb translator because I understand how the Oriental mind could come up with “Businesses should observe the regulations for accident prevention from the Organization of Company Accident Insurers on behalf of electrical installations and exploitation devices.”
           Over at Border’s I read a magazine on new products. The majority of it is accessories for iPods. You could pick up a twenty-year old issue about Walkmans or a thirty-year old one about cassettes and see the same “new” junk except back then it was probably a real leather case (instead of leather-scented plastic). For those who can’t bear to part or fart without their MP3, there is a stereo toilet paper holder.
           Something new? Yes, a computerized key. You replace all the pin cylinders on your locks with a new core. The key slides in and only opens such locks as the holder is allowed. The design is well-planned. The key can be programmed to allow only certain hours of access and creates a downloadable report of who-what-when-where. Now if they could only convince me it is secure and nobody at the factory has a master key. The key itself is around the size of a large flash drive.
           There was also a small hand-launched robot spy plane. With a linger time of an hour, it transmits real-time info. How long before we see a narc movie out with this device as the modus operandi.
           Jerry came by the shop and what you see “fun with a picture frame”. Outside of the obvious clowning around, take a look at how that nice that monitor looks inside the frame. I’ve had a vision for years of custom computers built in a nice wooden case with a real ivory keyboard. Something classy for serious computer users. Then again, I’ve also wanted to build an aquarium that was clear 8” acrylic pipes that ran all around your room. Or custom made bird-cages that resemble the White House or Taj Mahal.

           The store was quiet today, giving me time to fine tune the computers and set up some awesome speakers on that old Sony. I’ll sell that sucker yet. The church music went steady until past 3:00 PM. On the way out, these three Jamaicans were stalled over where Elly used to live. I gave them a boost and their headlights came on instantly, so that was their mistake.
           The measurement in the front area of the store that is least productive is a nice ten by ten, that is a hundred square feet. I’d like to put something in there that self-sells. I wonder why there are no vending machines for batteries? You know, ordinary C, D and AA/AAA cells. I walk up, I put in my dollar and I get one battery. Or whatever. The biggest obstacle is the lack of electrical outlets in that corner. I just know I could move small electronic gear out of that spot without having to be there all day long.
           Here’s Luisa, a model at the agency behind Borders. Over the years, I occasionally stop to see if her picture is still in the window. It is. She has gone from nine years old to sixteen at that same agency, her parents pumping in the hundreds of thousands of dollars needed. There are pictures of her singing and acting but really, she is just the agency poster child. Like me, she used to be blonde but now is a brunette. I suppose I have this fascination with just how much money and how far some parents will go to help out their offspring because my situation was so different. So horrifically different. My parent’s philosophy seemed to be have as many children as possible on the odds some of them would work out.

           On the way home to a feast of boiled chicken and a six-pack of ginger ale, I called my guitar player to see if he was worth cheering up. His probation officer has been checking him at 6:30 AM and again at 12:30 AM, mainly to nose around for trouble. Then again, house arrest means just that and why not check? So, make sure you have an excellent video alert system and live above a saloon. Just kidding.
           For the first time in maybe five years, I ate an orange. Two oranges actually. Over time I’ve even lost my taste for orange juice. That is not strange, for I like other fruit. What is strange is people who each chicken eggs. That is something you would have a hard go making me do even on a monthly or yearly basis.
           Do computer manuals frustrate you? No wonder, I just read a Linksys router guidebook that explained, “PPTP is the method that allows VPN. To enable this, click apply on the Pass Through”. I know what it means but that won’t help most of you. For the techies out there, I am trying to reconcile, if a DHCP can automatically assign IP addresses, how can address filters, which act on specified addresses, block certain computers? Might they not be dynamically assigned a different address at some point? Something does not jive. MACs yes, but not IP addresses.

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