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Monday, July 17, 2006

July 17, 2006

No word from Dickens but it is good to be back at the computer store. The money is better and the hours are shorter. Say, does National Telecom ring a bell? It seems to me that was one of those splinter long distance providers that started up in anticipation of deregulation. I believe I once considered joining them. Then, I had also considered Sprint.
They needed somebody to service their customers, so Fred and I went over the contract quite closely. I think it is the same company. They thoroughly understand that I do not do network cable installations. It is more likely that they have limited repair resources and need somebody to go out and make faces at the customers, only referring major troubles to the National crew.
According to the contract we are not under obligation for much. The consensus is that if they send us work, great. If not, nothing much lost. Should the work arrive I don’t think we’ll have any trouble meeting their standards. The first referral is this Friday. They kept bugging us to send in the contract as they have the work and we were taking our time, that is, they had work but nobody to send out on it.

The unusual thing for the day was that “whiz kid” came in, but this time with his father. Seems the kid locked up their computer with yet another virus. There was enough time to go over what had happened and during this discussion it became pretty obvious the son had some severe limitations and gaps in his computer knowledge. Didn’t know what a kilobyte was.
I plowed through some CSS code, including the in-line rules for Blogger and Craigslist. Both are actually quite advanced users of style sheets (although I have only found Craigslist but cannot yet open it) and are definitely leading edge as far as what is actually out there. Oh, and I found out why AVG, which was free for so long, is not giving the pop-up warnings. They sold out for $780 million and the new owner wants a return on his investment.

It was a perfect Caribbean evening, drawn out and with a slight breeze to make it fancy. A night for painting the trailer. I walked over from Dunkin’ Donuts after work and hauled out the paint cans. Several of the neighbors are taking note of the improvements, although one of them does not like the Colonial Green. Of course, I get far more help with advice than I do with labor. He left, inexplicably, when I pointed out green represented the forest and blue was the sky.
Again, I am impressed by how well-constructed that trailer is. Plainly it was empirically built back in the 1950s or it would not be so rock-solid today. It has out-lasted all the appliances and original fixtures, sometimes twice over.