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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

July 26, 2006

           Al was in for his extra lesson and there can be no doubt about the supreme effectiveness of private coaching. He booted up all three computers and set the programs to ready state and was able to begin a calculated list of the equipment needed for his home business. That was his fourth lesson and he was already searching the Internet with a good deal of confidence. Remember, he was a veteran of group classes who said six or eight [of my teaching] hours earlier that he was impossible to teach.
           Another customer was in with his six year old son. The kid reminded me so much of myself that I stopped my advertising programming and spent an hour with him on the computer. Typically, he had the same exposure to computers as all other kids the same age, and now he has a decided advantage of knowing what he can do with it. He particularly liked the game I invented using MS Paint.
           I brought in four of the monitors and cleaned them up a bit. I sold one at cost to Adam, the next door neighbor. The first electric bill arrived in JZ’s name and it confirms my prediction – AC is not that expensive and is certainly cheaper than heating a house in a cold climate. Besides, you can do without AC if you have a good fan. The average is just 15 cents per KWH and the average cost is $1.67 a day. Even double that is not a problem and I doubt I could double it in this place if I tried.

           Marion called from Washington, she has endured the record hot spell out there and just hasn’t contacted anyone. We have news. Her husband works indirectly but nonetheless for the Seattle Sonics. They just got sold, she reports it is a good thing she hesitated buying a house. They have only been in their current rental unit a year. This means another move, possibly to eastern Canada. I wouldn’t wish that on anybody.
           We reminisced about such pleasant times as our winter trip to Lincoln City, Oregon, and the house plant I gave them when they got their first apartment back in the early 90s. I regret this journal was incomplete for those days because I have forgotten many of these occasions. I was having a hell of a time with my own relationship back then. She is definitely not enjoying the 36 degree weather (Centigrade), which is far hotter than any time I lived in that area. I must be careful because I expect everyone who knows me to take me for granted and that feeling is rarely reciprocal. I don’t mind, really. Once you pass the test you could dump on me forever.

           I’m running an ad for anyone who wants the 17” monitors, especially now that I’ve measured them to discover they are mostly 16”, an oddball size. The offer is that I’ll drive out and hook the thing up and give you a free sample lesson. My reasoning is that anyone who is still using a smaller monitor is really in need of upgrading. I connected the UPS devices and found all the batteries are dead. Still, they are cheaply replaceable and more needed than flat screen monitors. For some reason, the power supplies keep beeping that there is an electrical fault in our commercial power.
           I also got a walk-in this afternoon. The same old story, somebody sold him an expensive computer by convincing him he needed a new and fancy unit to keep up with the times. We are starting some basic lessons tomorrow, as in word processing to familiarize him with what he’s got. He found himself in that unenviable position of sitting in front of a computer and not having a clue what to do. Happens all the time.

           Lise, I think that is the name of the Columbian babe. She was not in today so I still have the laptop and the rest of the staff got a good look at it. All the mothers at Dunkin Donuts have that compulsion to state [to me] that their kids are all computer geniuses. Let me say again, anyone who thinks a kid is smarter than an adult is indeed overdue for some serious lessons. That’s coming from a guy who knows all about smart kids and stupid adults.
           Marion and I also had our usual conversation about women and men. We often agree on things for different reasons. For instance, we agree it is difficult to find the right partner. However, I disagree that it is the same difficulty for both sexes. Men generally have to metaphorically go shopping when they are hungry. Marion reminds me that women don’t have it all their own way, but, I think, at least they never go without. You know, women should not blame men who conclude women’s problems are largely contrived. As in, ladies, what if you had all the same problems but on top of that could not get laid any time you wanted without paying for it? I say, go through twenty years of that when you are young before whining that somebody forgot your stupid anniversary or something. Still, I do not doubt the perceived intensity is probably the same.
           Ha, she also reports that the man she married has slowly turned into a husband.

Last Laugh

Uma, 2006