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Thursday, October 26, 2006

October 26, 2006

One year ago today: October 26, 2005, no link yet

           My new bike throws the chain once in a while. Some geeky fag with a geeky fag haircut cut me off yesterday and I had to slam on the brakes so hard the chain flew off. Now it slips off by itself. It also jams against the frame making for one messy greasy flip the bike over repair job. I heard that and may I say in my defense that I would never, repeat never have noticed he was a geeky fag if he had not nearly run me over, okay?

           Wow, another five hour work day. Can I keep up this pace? I may have to if I want to make a trip to Seattle next month. I was over at Don’s this morning and we had a bit of a discussion about the work. He has a bit of selective hearing, but who doesn’t. When I said I did not do clerical work, he heard me to say bookkeeping. Big difference. What I meant is I do not spend my days putting stamps on envelopes.
           However, he likes the phrase “full charge” bookkeeper, and apparently there is no shortage of people who call themselves that in Florida. In fact, that is probably what the last person who messed up his books and his system was. I am kind of glad he already had “complaints” about the new statements because I was able to show him that the cause was people mis-interpreting the old ones. We will likely compromise where I do the actual accounting but only once a week. Seriously, I don’t file check stubs. Well, I do, but that is the secretary's job.
           So what do I do? I set up and administer the system that gets those checks out on time to the right parties. If you want somebody who goes to the store and buys the check blanks for you, get a “full charge” bookkeeper. I hear there’s at least one out there looking for your business.

           By mid-afternoon I was over at Ruth’s, this time to coach her on attaching pictures to email. She is not getting the practice time in and I hinted that it was most important should I leave for a few weeks. I’m tempted to cash in a bond and drive to Belize for a couple of years. Sell this place and just start out. I figure I could raise $5,000 in a month selling off my junk. Just a thought, I won’t leave here during the winter.

           Another sixty pictures today plus video of a kite shaped like a forty-foot squid. The thing was huge and the motion was very realistic. The rush hour was crawling so I hauled out the bike and toured Haulover Beach. Mostly deserted except for a few regulars. I got some classic photos there, including a dude sitting by the dock of the bay and some cats around the seafood store. I had to go shopping for supplies, making that my only break of the day. However, I drove another twenty blocks and toured Oleta Park.
           This is the State park on 163rd which I didn’t visit because of the cover charge. Why should I pay for something I’ve already paid for through taxes? It was kind of worth it, but that could be when I turned around the ranger said, what the heck, go on in for free. Ah, that is my kind of bike ride.
           I’m going to hook up Ruth’s color printer. I gave it the once over and it is an Epson photo printer. Looks brand new. It has one of those teakettle cords, the one with the figure-eight shaped end. I hate to part with mine but I everybody I know who has one will not part with it. This requires another shelf since there is no room left in her work cubicle, and that will only work if I wire the phone up on the wall. I have a brand new Radio Shack model that will do fine. I had to squint one eye when I noticed that it came with instructions. Then I remembered this is Florida. It came without any wall mounting screws. Duh.
           The park ride was great, I got the bike right out onto the beach and rode through the shallow water. Sorry, it is all video since it was getting too dark for photos. The area was deserted so I did a little mountain bike trip through some back gravel trails. The Jamus held up fine, which is good because I really pounded it here and there.

           I can take a hint. You want to see the picture of the cats at the waterfront. Okay, here it is. To make a game of it, I will tell you there are seven cats in the photo. I can see him because I know where to look. Two cats in the far background, four in the front. Or is it five? Here’s your hint, it is a full size cat between two of the other cats.

           All this means is my quest for boredom is put off yet another day. I’m getting concerned because from what I hear, you don’t derive the full benefits from boredom unless you do it long-term. I’m already over the hill and have not had a boring day since the moment I ran away from home. I wonder, has boredom changed since then, what with all the new things to be bored with? There are hundreds of new inventions to help you get bored and stay that way. I’ll have nothing to do with boring things, but that does not mean I don’t know what they are. My top boring things:

           Lexus commercials
           cable TV
           rap music
           reverse mortgages
           Metro PCS
           Internet dating services
           Robin Williams

           Well, okay, so Williams is not high-tech, but it was either him or William Shatner and Eddie Albert together. Add Shatner and Albert to make the list ten long. Now that I’ve mentioned all three of them in once sentence, I am reminded that I have a grapefruit in the fridge.
           Later. Okay, I’m dead. Dead man walking because I just made a major mistake. Remember a month ago when Ruth asked me to scan the model in the wigs? Since then she has finished with Justin and gone back to her old web designer. No harm in that, is there?
           We sent the pictures to the designer. I had scanned and named the files. I never (well hardly ever) discuss the identities of the women I’ve known. I, ahem, kind of named the files after whichever babe the model reminded me of in my younger days. They were never meant to be more than hrefs. Guess what the new designer used for captions? There they were, for the whole world to see. Direct references to the eight most beautiful women I’ve ever known in my life.

           [Author's note: 2015-10-21: That passage is unclear. What happened was when I scanned the model, who posed to look like several different women. I arbitrarily renamed the files after pretty women I've had affairs with over the years. I meant the file names to be used only as tags, I didn't think ahead that the web designer would publish them with my names of real women. To make matters touchier, I had renamed several of the model shots based on how similar they looked to my old girlfriends. Often close enough to mistake the two. I'm dead if I ever get caught.]

           [Author's note: 2023: In the end, nothing happened, since doggie wigs never took off. But yeah, in 2006, neither I or anybody knew who would be reading what on-line. Now, the pictures are long gone and I'm so old who cares what women would get on my case any more.]

           Dead, I’m telling you. Dead. Even if I live, it will be without hope of those women ever speaking to me again. Not that I would even know them after all this time, but the hope was there. Especially Canan, I mean, how many green-eyed Turkish gals are there in my part of the world? Or Pearle. How many red-headed Norwegians babes? Remember me as I was. (Fortunately, years later, it turns out my ex-girlfriends don't buy a lot of doggie wigs.)
           Should I leave you on that note? No, let me think of something cheerful. Okay, how about never give up? I have finally broken below the 170 pound barrier that established itself when I got the bicycle. Two months and nothing. It would seem that that long stretch where I gained weight without it showing (during the late 1990s) is now proceeding in reverse. I looked and felt thinner but until today, my weight never fell. I took several readings to make sure it was not an ordinary daily fluctuation. Nope, and I now weigh 168 pounds.

           [Author's note 2015-10-21: I had not yet learned that it was diet causing the problems. Modified corn starch, carbohydrate-rich food, diet soda, natural flavorings (a lie), additives. These were changes made by manufacturing concerns to food that was otherwise quite nutritious when I was growing up. They are insidious.]

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