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Monday, April 16, 2007

April 16, 2007

           Here is that Cribbage ace, Wallace, who says he cannot play guitar. Somehow, he played “Memphis”, “Tulsa Time” and “These Boots Were Made for Walking” right here today. Proof that you never know until you try. He is playing a farmer “E”. I’ll never understand why people with even half a personality won’t grab a guitar and just stand on stage and grin, yet I’m secretly glad that they do not. Pssst, it is a secret.
Two developments. One, Wallace has developed a gum infection. He went to the hospital last evening for a shot but still looks like he’s “got the mumps”. We’ll get him a prescription later and though he is fine, he’ll take it easy today. Two, he brought a little west coast weather with him. It is down to a bitterly cold 57 degrees.
I see the Duke suspects have been exonerated. I have been an advocate for years against the publication of suspect’s names and for the streamlining of the process for suing the authorities for false prosecution. You cannot change bad people’s behavior unless you hit them where it really hurts. In the wallet.

           They have a lawyer grandstanding, but really only taking the same position I have for decades. Sue everyone involved in the prosecution, from the lying “victim” to every cop, prosecuting attorney and lab tech. It is clear that these people must work together in a tacit conspiracy for things to have gotten so far. Sue everyone “within ten miles” of the case. I hope this is the incident which applies libel laws to malicious or speculative media reporting. I would also cheer going over the trial transcripts and counting everything the Judge allowed or disallowed that favored the prosecution. The whole legal system that gives accusations by women or police more gravity than the denial needs to be sued back into the Stone Ages.
           Suing? Yes. It is the only thing those sort of people understand. The rape issue I will not touch, except to note that the suspects are correct on what will happen for the rest of history when their names are Googled. The whole rotten law structure that allows immunity for false testimony and accusations needs to be dismantled. I’m not asking for new law, only that existing law be applied more evenly to those who falsely accuse, and absolutely anyone who works for a system that supports such evil.

           My position is simple; that such false accusations can only get that far into the system by an obscene collusion between all the authorities involved. (The million-dollar CSI lab to convict you, but not one real penny for your defense.) People who hide behind just doing their job need this kind of incentive to make sure they pay attention. All the time.
           Back home, Wallace has advisedly taken it easy for the day, on painkillers and antibiotics. His jaw is swollen up. He is unfamiliar with how bacterial infections can migrate, so here is his mug shot from this morning. It has descended into his mandible and will soon get into his upper shoulders. He wants to see Ft. Meyers this weekend (don’t ask me why). I’m of the opinion that since he now knows the back room here is the most comfortable pad in Florida, he will stall long trips until much later.

           I went in to the Thrift, only to set off the alarm. Dickens was not expecting me. Then directly to the computer shop where I have been exchanging email with a hateful woman who keeps trying to tell me off, but that it requires a commitment before her “charms” will ever work on me. If it goes much further, we will technically be having an affair.
           I also put in at the wig shop, where plenty of overseas mail is now required to sustain the day-to-day functions with Jakarta. Things are now at the stage where all the shortcuts once taken are coming home to roost. The cost per article is something I calculate before, not after. I left with the best of wishes for my session at Barry U tomorrow.

           Yes, I am aware of the Virginia Tech shooter. Mark my words, the killer had a history. But you see, unlike rape, murder cases require intense rather than constant attention. So we may never learn that history. Why? For attorney career advancement, murder charges just cannot compete with rape. Or with their attention span. That's a joke, Sparky.

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