So I fed the poop-master cat and went to Panera, more exciting times. Actually, I was examining the work I had done with printing my booklet on burning CDs. The booklet is written, that is the easy part. The hard part is trying to figure out how to get it to print so that I can fold it and cut it, then staple it to make a booklet.
MS Publisher is the strangest damn piece of junk. There is no way you can get it to print a booklet, although every other useless piece of junk like tent folds and banners are there. Whenever I go to a meeting that uses this “presentationware” I automatically disrespect the presenter who uses templates. Should a person who uses templates be giving presentations? My point is that the templates that are missing tell us a lot about who is using this software. Yes, I’m aware that I am looking for a template myself, but please, I want the most common template that blows all others out of the water – an ordinary book.
Pondering that, I then went to WalMart and got enough small hardware to modify my musical equipment. (That’s the other photo here, a view of the Atlantic skyline over the WalMart parking lot, you can just see the Diplomat on the horizon.) I used some doorstops, you know those bumper thingees that you put on the back of the door so when it swings open the knob doesn’t poke a hole in your drywall? That cured the Ampeg problem of wanting to tilt back on stage. They also serve as cleats to coil up the power cable. A couple of small coat hooks let me wind the line-out cable in place. It is such a pity that at this late day and age, musical equipment still has to be field modified to work like it is supposed to.
Then Jose, the neighbor knocks. Sure enough, after what, a year, that ugly old woman in the office found out it is my trailer parked in the nook across the way. Ugly old women need to justify their pitiful existence by making trouble. Now she wants it moved because suddenly it is in the way of cars or some other dismal thing or other. I’m surprised she found the energy to waddle way the hell over here. The real reason she wants to be asked for permission to do everything around here is because she gets jealous if you think of anything before she does.. Ever notice the psychological conditions that evolve in women who have been really ugly their whole lives? It doesn’t matter, one excuse is as good as another for an old lady on the warpath.
Jose got a new HP printer. After several hours of failing to get it to work, he came over. Even making no errors and proceeding directly through the install, it still took over another hour. I’ve no personal idea where HP gets their information that their printer installs are “fast and easy”. Be aware the HP install sets up a system on your computer that logs everything you scan by monthly creating a new folder. Good luck if that is not what you want.
Sure I sound cranky today, my shoulders hurt from over-practicing my music. At least I don’t do like others and take my woman to Panera to have an argument in public. It was funny, because the wife was in the wrong yet she kept skillfully avoiding the issue by telling the husband not to get angry because she loved him. Um, remember the tactic but don’t try it next time you go to court.
What actor starts and stops in fits when he talks? I’ve seen it before, although I can’t place it because it probably comes from television. The wife also copied that annoying habit of talking with a half-whisper in short spurts. I know it is copied because what are the odds of ten people all talking like that in this same town? “It’s like this…” [pause] “we should like, go…” [pause] “like, home, I mean…”