It would be nice to present my readership with a visual on my booklet. Thanks again to bad software, it cannot be done here and now. I wanted to prove I could write tech material. There is no way to get MS Publisher to print an ordinary booklet and I was up until 3:00 a.m. dropping every menu and reading every command. It cannot even be tricked into doing the right thing in original form. What I want to do is called “duplex printing” (which is really a printer function) and MS Publisher almost prevents it.
Other “publishing software”. Every brand I looked at did much the same thing, which is emulate a typesetting environment. There does not appear to be one product out there that works like a word-processing environment. A few, like “Scribus” claim they do, but in reality, you cannot type anything directly onto the screens, it just opens a copy of your word-processor. You still have to electronically set up each page, one by one. It is very labor-intensive if you include graphics. It is also unreasonable to think the average author would sit down and typeset hundreds of pages when he should be writing. I know the software is out there, but I can’t seem to get my hands on it.
And another thing, I’m no longer allowing iTune downloads at my Internet place. If I already said that, good, I’m saying it again. Apple is just one factor in the problem, the other being that idiots can click on download options in a manner that reconfigures my disk and operating system. My favorite is when they create a virtual disk drive that cannot be deleted without reformatting the hard drive. I still cannot re-network my laser printer. Did I just say “re-network”?
Ever since Fred started that petition business, the shop has far more people coming and going every day. He reports his first loss, a lady who forged 1,000 signatures with names out of the phone book. We get our share of other yahoos in there as well, some of my favorites are those whose bank won’t cash any checks for them even from good sources. I fully admit the only reason I wasn’t born in a barn is because barns cost more than any house my skinflint parents ever owned, but at least I close the door behind me.
I went up to Jimbo’s to get the spotlight I forgot last Friday. It seems the wholesale price of beer went up and they no longer have a Happy Hour. Jo, the former bar maid was there for a visit. So was my fan club, who heavily complimented me on the last show. I can’t tell from my vantage, but they report that most people sing along with what I’m playing. What have I always said about choosing the right material?