Due to requests, here is a shot of the storm last Sunday at Lake Worth. I’m standing in the bus shelter looking northeast over the Atlantic. You can just see the shoreline under the top rail and a few breakers. Just wait it out, even if you get splattered wet. Except for hurricanes, these downpours rarely last more than ten minutes. Don’t misjudge the size of those waves, for I am standing a good forty feet above water and that beach is a block away.
No names mentioned, but apparently the Wiley Street takes a dim view of rock guitarists who smuggle a case of beer into the back room in their duffle bag. It was a horrible day in the shop because of bad customers. Worst was this raspy-voiced French-Canadien lady who had to add something to everything anybody else said. She was there for six hours. I had to go stand outside twice for a breather.
Who remembers Arnold? Thirty-five, lives in his mother’s guest room. He was also in after a year and I would have forgotten him totally except for his style. His accusatory, prying, interfering style earns him the nickname, “The Inquisitor”. Not “How are you today”, but “Do you own this vending machine?” “Then why do you have the keys?” “Did the owner give you the keys?” On and on. He is one of those types that thinks if you tell him something is none of his business, it just means he is on to something. He also reads over your shoulder.
On the recommendation of Will, I stopped in to see the Walsh pub on Federal. It was less than impressive but had twice the regular clientele usually seen in these parts. The layout is like Cheers on TV. Apparently nobody told anyone the bar in Cheers was not chosen as typical, rather because its shape made for good camera angles. The Walsh (I don’t know what the word comes from) has a small area out back with a fountain. Nobody under forty goes in there. And at those prices, they aren’t likely to get many. $2.75 for a diet soda.
Will is an interesting individual. Like myself, he has learned to give out just enough information to get the job or get a decision, that is, he has learned not to tell the whole truth because so few people are qualified to interpret it. I’m seeing a pattern around what he does not know [about guitars], I think he is holding back. There is more to his music background than he is letting on.
I’m enjoying my last few days of freedom. I may have located a temp position in Ft. Lauderdale with an outfit that makes solar panels. Billed as “an emerging utility company”, the job is just a few months, but that is all I want. My calling is teaching, but thanks to a few inconsiderate Florida goofs, I missed all the good postings this semester. I won’t have my teacher’s certification until the 22nd, a two month delay. You see, I don’t want a job that expects me to stay around for the rest of my life, and that means teaching which you can switch any time.
The upside is that these startup companies can be fun to work with because often I am the only one who has any clue what to do. Just ask the doggie wig place, who still call me back when something needs doing right. If a new business goes, I’m in charge, if it fails, it is easy to bail.
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