You wanna song with weird timing? The theme from Bonanza. Sure, you can tap your toe to it, but if that’s all I meant I wouldn’t waste my breath. I mean try counting it out loud. It switches from 4/4 timing to 6/4 timing. Tap faster, the cold spell has been here since last night. It is down to 50 degrees. The cat doesn’t notice, of course. She has taken to sleeping on my bed so I can’t. You sure you don’t want a cat?
It was slow enough today that I scanned the northern half of Texas for teaching jobs. There aren’t any, except for this one where you are supposed to educated alcoholics not to drink. I think I’ll stick around here a little longer. I’ve got it narrowed down to three or four local colleges, all of which want an MBA. This is a ‘bout face, for I was ready to return to school to get my teaching certificate (had they not renewed), now I find my degree in Finance and Economics (my Business majors) are now required to teach computers. What a strange world.
I’ve come up with a new term to describe the south Florida music situation. “Almagestic”. Um, hang on while I look to see if it is in the Big Dictionary. I’m back. No, it isn’t in there; I’ve coined a term. But the root word “Almagest” is there, so I won’t make you look it up. The “g” is soft, as in “judge”. The Almagest was written by Ptolemy in which he described all and now means any ancient book on knowledge. It stated that the universe was geocentric.
The importance lies in the fact that this theory endured for two thousand years because it explained everything that a man needed to know. Those who looked further into the matter lacked common sense. Even the most primitive peasant only need look up to verify the entire stars and heavens revolved around his person. A person who thinks they see the obvious truth because they are standing at the middle of the universe is being almagestic.