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Thursday, January 3, 2008

January 3, 2008

           As we move into the new year and the new century, here is a nice view of how much things ever change in Florida. This is the main east-west boulevard through town and this is what it looked like today. The sidewalk weeds have recovered a good three feet of the pedestrian path, showing years of neglect. The shopping cart has been there over a week. But don’t you dare leave your car parked even one minute over the meter. Oh, and we now have Ft. Lauderdale style “tourist meters”. The ones that say in tiny print they only accept quarters, but in fact take any coin but only credit the quarters.
           Alright, you pet fans. I have proof that Pudding-Tat goes more ballistic as the temperature goes colder. It was most cold overnight and I have footage to show the facts. It will have to wait, though, until the blog company I use ( fulfills its promise to allow video uploads as it has claimed for quite some time already.
           Another scan of north Texas shows very little prospect of a teaching job [in Texas]. I know far better than to show up empty-handed in that part of the world. I did manage to get through to several old friends who now occupy certain positions of interest to me. My job search has become very inward-looking toward local colleges [in Florida]. You can tell it is a buyer’s market because most job ads do not state how much they pay. This is strange because the first thing you learn at a new job is how much others are making, although I am told some people have a real problem finding this out.
           Then I thought, if I do get a college job, what are the chances of riding the bus to work? Silly question, I know, this being Florida. Sure enough, there is no direct bus (or train) route from this area to any local campus. Every trip would involve at least one transfer and we all know what that means. What? Okay. It means the bus you need to transfer to is pulling away just as you pull up. It is one of the few Federal laws strictly enforced everywhere in North America.
           I dropped in to Jimbo’s to check on the Karaoke crowd and there it was—gone. It turns out the host called in sick, but I was too far away to get my gear. The patrons had went around and carefully taken down all my posters and stacked them by the till, thinking next year we just change the date. Well-meaning, but in the wrong century, I had to politely explain that it was cheaper to print new ones next year. The thought still counts.
           Then Capt. Sam explained that Dunkin Donuts has a new breakfast sausage biscuit. Quote, “You just stuff it in yer mouth and feed right down wit-out even chewin’, you kin do three jes’ that fast. Then you gulp that vanilla cappa-chino shake as a chaser and just like that you got a boner.” Unquote.
           That so-called whiz kid nephew of Fred’s was in the shop again today. We let him hang around because he knows more about Vista than the rest of us, which I caution you not to regard as “knowledge”. He is not considered any kind of genius around here any more. I wonder why that is? Anyway, the rumor is that as of January 1, you can no longer get a Windows XP license anywhere on this planet. Didn’t I warn ya? There are already several pirated copies of Vista out there, but they are not an easy install. You have to get around the mammoth Windows on-line activation schemes.