The cantenna. This busy photo shows a number of the steps involved. You can see the antenna hole in the coffee can, a very careful measurement indeed. I have Net Stumbler, software that configures your antenna into a scanner to detect hot spots. Well, it turns out it only works on laptops adapters, such as the card shaped device you see in the center. I’ve removed one antenna from my router to show the plug which I will use a pigtail to fit into the coffee can.
The French Canadiens are in wonderment at this technology. I’ve explained to them best I’m able that this does not guarantee results. There are too many factors involved to state it will work. The coffee can is painted black. The ridges inside the can distort the signal, but it is hard to find a ridge-less can of the correct dimensions.
Another great disappointment in the American system. Today I looked into a government program for work assistance. I’ve noticed their ads to help anyone over 30 get a job, so what the heck? Wrong. (Remember, I am a libertarian.) I was utterly shocked by the procedures involved. Their entire gimmick is to get all files updated on any person who has been out of the workforce for even a few years. Then, once your personal details are safely in DC, they get you a minimum wage position (now $6.79 in Florida) hoping somebody will offer you a real job. Before you starve.
Some examples are the question of every address you have ever lived in Florida, “including any temporary accommodations such as a hotel or motel” and “if your utilities are not included in your rent, what is the name and address of the person to whom the bills are sent”. I don’t know about you, folks, but I don’t get into that level of personal information over a minimum wage job. They do go on about how “one lady got a job that paid $24 an hour”.
Cowboy Mike called. He’s got a buddy to duplicate his music, but the buddy does not know how to convert MP3s to CD Audio. Don’t laugh, this is quite common. Blame the manufacturers. Most people associate the CD with music, and Mike has a big new truck with a CD player which, you guessed it, plays MP3s. I remastered the CD to contain CDA (CD Audio). I can’t do all the text info such as titles in that format. CD technology is just too old and I never used it that much.
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