Radio Shack does not sell the correct cantenna parts any more. Looks like I’ll have to find a real electronics store. I need an N Female Chassis adapter. Radio Shack wants to sell me the whole receiver, not just the antenna. eBay wants to sell me a package of six for $20. Time for Radio Shack to change their name to “Overpriced Fad Trash” or something resembling the facts. As for speaker crossovers, they “don’t carry stuff like that any more”. This is a picture of the part I finally located. Made in China. $2.50. Now I can’t find the pigtail.

Several of the jobs looked promising, so I picked up the brochure about tips for interviews. Just disgusting. The same stupid advice as ever. Make sure your tie is the “correct width” and men should not wear earrings until “after hired”. The truly sad part is that this information came from Human Resources. Pardon me, but was not the original purpose of Human Resources departments to prevent hiring decisions based on such groundless idiotic criteria as tie width. Hello?
I ran into my buddy Arnold over there. He usually makes time to see me and we talked for over an hour. Remember y’day I was miffed at the people who wanted all my residency info and such? It turns out they can only ask for the information and cannot refuse service if it is not forthcoming. More Americans should be aware of this. Most federal agencies cannot demand much more than your identification. This ain’t Canada. They’ve agreed to see me on my terms.
Aha, I finally narrowed down the lady that was causing all the viruses in my shop computers. She, of course, had no clue that she was infecting my machines and they all say the same thing: that they’ve been doing it this way for years so you don’t know what you are talking about. Everything was fine until you came along and nobody had any problem until you touched it. Hmmm, maybe this is Canada.
On a wild rumor, I met up with Will and we rode over to a pub in Dania, I’ll get the name later. They had a Saturday band that quit to go play elsewhere for more money. Funny how that happens. So there we are sitting in this joint. I order a soda while he can’t drink after chemotherapy. All this is fine except that they the most gorgeous barmaid I’ve ever seen in this part of the planet. Somehow she gathered we were not the biggest tippers. I dropped in later at Jimbo’s to see how the Karaoke people set up now that the big screen TV is in place (for Stupid Bowl). Will got up and sang a tune.
The trailer box. During my investigations for how to build a box, I came across some South African ideas. My thinking has changed toward building a removable box instead of anything permanent. The plans I looked at show a tent pitched on top of this box, making it high up off the wet and dirty ground. Your gear is kept in a jockey box build over the trailer tongue. Remind me to price out “marine grade plywood”.
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