Rob left in early May last year so today was the first time he’s heard my act. He was quite impressed but this could be due to the difficulty of trying to describe to him what I was about to do when he left. Oh yeah, well you try it in French. Now he wants in on the act so I gave him the standard package of material. I’d also like Will to see the effectiveness of a rhythm-bass duo in presenting music to a small crowd. Most guitarists overplay the room. What? I can’t hear you.
No antenna. It baffles me and there is no place to turn. Why cannot two routers with the same settings pick each other up? If you think it through, they have to see each other, so it is some setting or software blocking the communication. I know each router acts like its own network yet if my ordinary antenna can pick up many networks, why can’t my router? Bloody sabotage.
It was another perfect Florida day, which often happens just before or after a big storm. I was inside with Pudding-Tat except for the jam, and of course, to hear her meow like a poor starving orphan, you wonder how she can take the pain. How can a cat that lives alone with extra food in the bowl always act like she’s starving all the time? Must be one of those ancient Ouldavi Gorge instincts. Except back then they didn’t have vinyl covers on their Ampeg (bass amp) for claw-sharpening.
If you live here long enough, you realize that fresh batteries are hard to find. Never mind the “Best before 2012”, when the world is going to end anyway. Even top brand names [like Duracell] do not last. Occasionally you get a good set, but like the banks, the manufacturers have discovered most Floridian’s are too chicken to complain and they can pretend that the few that do are being unreasonable. I supposed we can thank the Post Office for pioneering that.
What, you didn’t know about 2012? Even Pudding-Tat watches Discovery Channel or whatever. The Mayan calendar ends in December 2012. None of the equally developed nearby cultures had any such thing, so we’ll stick with the Mayans and ignore the fact that all calendars have to end somewhere. The more so when you are carving them into solid rock, as in, “Say, Oxcartl, why don’t we knock off early and head into town for a couple of pulques? See if there’s anything to those wild stories about white Gods with four legs. I tell you, them Aztecs are full of it.”