The bicycle got an upgrade. The unit is so carefully balanced that the added weight of a bag of groceries can tip it over on the kickstand. I often saw the front wheel slowly turning to fall-over position and barely made it back in time to catch it. The trouble is solved by adding a second kickstand near the rear tire. At first that defies logic but it works very well. I tested it by overbalancing the bike to angles that seemed sure to tumble, and it rocked back upright. Here, see it for yourself.
Will called saying he’s found a guitar for $139. I say go for it, the pawn shop let him try it out totally. It takes weeks for preferences to develop, so let him start with any guitar that works. He drives all the way out to 441 (State Road 7 on your map) to get a deal. It is a hollow body with a pickup. If he gets it, we practice on Sunday.
Peanuts are about to suffer the same fate as chocolate in my life, as in off my diet. After extensive comparison, I’ve decided I just cannot keep them as part of my intake. Like cashews, they are not really a nut. [Peanuts are a type of bean, high in starch.] Another of my favorites gone. Economics of any kind is a lot like a lecture from your parents. They don’t really say, “No peanuts or chocolate”, but they mean it.
Cancer Steve has been up to no good again. Since our little encounter last year, I’ve been polite to a point but no more. He apparently caused a big scene in the shop this morning. He seems to be out of control whether he is on his medication or off it, one of the reasons I don’t like chemical medicines in the first place. As far as I’m concerned all pills cause some form of dependency. Like cell phones.
I devoted hours to nano-technology. I finally found several textbooks, but all of them focused on construction, not the incredible possibilities of the concept. My goal is to understand the basic concepts, but also to cash in on the next bubble. This bubble may not be clear, but each such innovation produces a surge in the stock market. From Model A’s to dot-coms, a good example is how [lighting] gas stocks plunged when Edison announced the light bulb. (He didn’t invent it, he just made it practical.)
The nano world surpasses my understanding of physics. It crosses over into Chemistry and Electronics. My education did not help beyond grasping the rudiments. My conclusion is to wait a while, say two years, to see if any company develops a better and cheaper way to build these things. In particular, somebody might recognize that building things one atom at a time has already been done by Nature. My dollars go to the outfit that figures this out.
During this research I found an article about a space elevator. (Remember, this elevator was never my idea, I just think it could be done with a free-standing structure.) The article was dated 1895! It used centripetal force by having a mass on a long tether moving at orbital velocity. The string keeps the ball in orbit and you just climb up the string. But wouldn’t the string have to be weightless? Even carbon atoms weigt something. They can tip over my bicycle.
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More antenna work. No mention of using the routers as an extra antenna, not a peep anywhere in the public library. There are some articles on bridged networks, none very helpful. The new info for today was discovering that although these routers have eleven channels, only three of them are unique. Channels one, six and eleven. The between ones use some kind of phase shifting. I’m trying to get a router to act like an antenna. It must be possible but nobody wants to help me bake the pie.
So now I’ve got no coffee and have to come up with a nickname for Will. Will Senior implies age. Guitar Will is too obvious. Cowboy Will is taken. Country Will doesn’t cover the bases. Florida Will is too cumbersome. Will-ford? Yeah, I better wait for the coffee. (I waited too long. Will died.)
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