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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 11, 2008

           There is a rumor about an extension, to say that maybe the trailer park will extend the occupancy. Again, just a rumor. Keep in mind it is the same outfit that tries to screw all newcomers by saying they didn’t pay the first month’s rent and demanding a photocopy of the check. As you see here, this would not work on me. Here is a copy of six payments and the more astute may spot a certain consistency to my way of doing things. The remainder will wonder what I’m talking about.
           Hint, the pink dots are penetrating ink of a unique color I used to verify that I handled the documents – a clever thing to do for anyone who refills their own cartridges. Later, sorry, the original picture had to go. Thanks to Wells Fargo, the information was no longer private. Here's some nice watering cans.
           Preconceived notions are the last to change, so I would like to point out that when I speak about places like Venezuela or Canada, I have worked there and I have a better idea of these places than most of you. You see things first hand, you tend to form those notions, and when you see them often enough, the notion indeed becomes preconceived. Let me tell you about Canadian law.

           I have previously reported the impossibility of getting a fair trial in Canada whenever the witnesses against you are the RCMP police. What you don’t know is these police don’t have to be real witnesses, but are “experts” brought in to testify against you—and no, you cannot have them declared hostile over that fact. Such defenses are deemed “inflammatory” and merely increase the severity of your inevitable sentence.

           [Author's note 2017: Canada has since amended its Charter of Rights to read that if the Canadian state wants a conviction, the authorities have the right to change the law so as to make you guilty. This is double-jeopardy, a concept for repulsive mentalities. But the Canadians say you are not being charged twice with the same crime because they re-wrote the law, so it is somehow a different crime. Canada-think.
           Do not confuse a Charter with a Bill of Rights. One grants you permanent rights, the other spells out certain conditions that, if you meet them, you have certain temporary rights.]

           A lady I know who works downtown went back to Canada this week. For a funeral. Rather than a trial against the police, meaning certain prison, her nineteen year-old son shot himself through the head. It seems his girlfriend was younger than the Canadian authorities thought she should be. Now maybe some of you will listen. It is a sad day when “morality” becomes enforced by armed men in black uniforms; a sadder day when, in a young person’s mind, death becomes preferable punishment. (Americans have this concept of the law protecting the accused and wrongly assume other countries are the same. Wrong, in Canada, any felony accusation by the police is a de facto conviction. Even if you are found not guilty, you don’t want it on your record.)
           On a different note, I put in my first shift at the sales office. I made one full sale out of some 14 calls. This is apparently pretty good [for a beginner]. I like the atmosphere, because when it is busy, you earn, when it is quiet, you do as you please. I’ll take some reading material tomorrow. The income is a function of the time you put in because you gotta be there to win. All my calls were monitored and the people in charge like my phone manner. The room is just over a half-mile from here. I still can’t do the drops and closes since that takes time to learn. When I do, look out.

           It works like so. People receive a coupon that they have won a free cruise, and that is basically true. The idea is to sell them a package that makes their stay a better deal. They would still otherwise have to book a hotel and take taxis to and from the boat, this kind of expense.
           It works out to $133 per day to stay in a resort hotel, which is about half the rate to stay in anything comparable in these parts. It is an easy sell to people who have been here before. It is not so easy to others, who often like the package but can’t afford the air fare. Credit cards only. Two of my callers were maxed out on their Visas.
           My early conclusion is that unless there is a fundamental change in the job, this is something I can work. I sit there all day with the potential to make more money than at the Thrift, sorry Dickens. If it turns out I can do something constructive (read, study, program, or write) when times are slow, this could get lucrative. There are women there, albeit some of them have that distinctive Charles Bronson look.

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