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Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 27, 2008

           See the Sony? This is a DVD burner. Everyone knows a DVD burner will burn a CD. Except Sony, who have proven themselves the sneakiest liars in the trade. You’ve got to watch those bastards. See the symbols that indicate DVD-R/RW, CD-R/RW and DVD+R? This unit will not burn anything except certain DVDs and it is unreliable for that. So I put a CD in there. It does not even recognize a CD without a computer. Thus, although this is a burner, you are supposed to know some of the symbols mean it will only read that media (unless you go get a computer).
           I was trying to get something done, so don’t expect much happy news today. First, I was over Nadia’s to discover her tape deck has no input jacks, it only records from the internal CD or radio. A Sony, of course. Sony will tell you what to record. I tried most of the local stores for a tape deck. When the staff at Radio Shack says, “What’s that?” you just know how much help you are going to get out of them.

           New decks are available on-line. After a morning of chasing around, I remembered that useless Sony VRD-VC-20 had RCA input jacks on the back. It should be a simple matter to hook up the burner minus the video and record direct to disk. Wrong. I even tried to trick an input signal by continuously recording the menu from the disk display. No way. When will I learn my lesson to avoid Sony products completely?
           I may drive out to BrandStupid for a look since you can never tell what they have from their website. Otherwise, there may be no recording session tomorrow. I’ll leave it dependent on this evening’s sales. One sale, I do nothing. Two sales, I buy a tape deck. Three and I replace the DVD player with a unit I tested at Radio Shack.

           [Author's note 2019: I kept this piece of equipment on the premise that even if does not do what was intended, newer products tend to be "detuned" to prevent certain copying features. If you know what I mean. This unit appears to have a feature to record movies directly to disk from a Sony camera. Like the one I'm using these days. Allow me some time to find out if they are compatible. According to the manual they are, but we are dealing with Sony.
           If it works, the new Sony camera has an extremely high pixel setting that I've never used. Is opportunity about to knock?]

           Later. It looks like the tape deck wins, I had two sales. That does not reveal the entire story, for I had two California sales. One was most interesting. Our office script contains a description of swimming with dolphins. Today one of my clients had a personal story of dolphins to the rescue. He was sailing in the Catalina area when a huge storm caused 20 foot swells. A rope broke and he had no hope of repairing it under such conditions.
           Suddenly twenty dolphins appeared and began circling his sailboat, causing a phenomenon called a “still”. The boat rose gently up and down, but did not heave. This allowed a repair of the line, and shortly afterward, the dolphins swam away. This occurred in an area near Catalina that I am familiar with.

           Because such things are easy for me to do, I had a chat with the manager and bass player of King Jupiter. This is the group suspected of doing the excessive flagging on line. It turns out they are not responsible and have themselves been constantly flagged. Their posts only survive because they repeatedly replace them. So now, we are back at square one, up against an ordinary pack of malicious flaggers, again I still suspect it is a group due to the nature of the flagging. Let me think what I can do to draw them out.

           This French guy wants to borrow my trailer. Should I? They seem harmless enough but the trailer is not registered. One does not have to register such things, but still. Is this an opportunity? My wise old grandpappy never seems to be around when I need advice. That probably has a lot to do with the fact that he died when I was two.