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Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 10, 2008

           This is Mr. Weebles. Mr. Weebles is nicknamed because he wobbles. A purebred Shitzu, he was born with one leg a little shorter. A little too purebred? Normally this would not even put him on the adoption list, but one of the ladies at Jimbo’s has rescued him. I was in [Jimbo’s] due to a request to play. The regular Karaoke show canceled. Many musical careers are made by such openings but this wasn’t my break. That is the Troll (non-Internet variety) by the door. He keeps the place spotless, always finding guitar picks of yesteryear which he concludes must always belong to me.
           An interesting chap came by the shop today. He needed a set of speaker cables soldered, and we got to talking. If I ever met a disabled guy, that was him. He had a story to tell, how after four heart attacks, two liver failures, diabetes and spine problems, the state of Florida lady attorney argued that he was not disabled because “he could drive a cab”. The judge looked at the lady and said basically that he had a nineteen year old daughter, and there is no way he wanted her riding to the airport in a car with somebody who’d had four heart attacks. The chap gets $800 a month and it took two years.

           Something reminds me of an incident on 103rd street back in ’03. I had flown in from San Diego and needed to pay a bill, then fly back. This had been planned months in advance, and because of the toothpick display, I had no choice but to pay with four hundred $1.00 bills. It was one of those situations where I could not leave without the receipt. Be damned that ignorant clerk!
           Instead of counting the money, she began to leisurely arrange it so the president’s face was upright on each bill. Like she was giving her little boy a lesson on neatness. I had a plane to catch and that fat, stupid woman must have somehow detected it. You didn’t dare say anything because she’d bring everything to a standstill. (A month later, that cost her the job.) I barely made the plane.

           I’ve been watching the shop for a few days while Fred does some chasing around and Mike is in the hospital. Mike had hip replacement surgery. His wife called to say he’s doing fine, or did she say doing well? Tomorrow is my day to visit the doctor and see what is due for my condition. Rumor is there is a volunteer doctor who’ll do the tests for $250, which I can afford. The catch is you have to go through the Broward clinic which is way and hell up on Sheridan and 441.

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