Testing the device was fun. The fog does not linger and will set off nearby smoke detectors, as stated in the manual. The unit is intermittent duty, that is, you must depress and hold a switch to make it operate. You get a twenty second spurt before the nozzle cools down. The literature says odorless, but there is a distinct mild chemical aroma I can’t quite place. The casing is metal no plastic, indicating they’ve had safety issues. In all, it is exactly what I was looking for. Now to train my audience.
For no good reason, I read over a list of the local by-laws for conducting a business from your own home. While far less restrictive than corresponding laws in other countries, the laws here are more invasive. Where a Venezuelan law might limit the number of vehicles that can park in front of your house, the American law is focused on who you are and what you are doing.
This doesn’t make sense, if they know everything, how can you wipe out the established competition with a totally new product and throw hundreds of people out of work? Before you get too holy on me, remember that by preventing it here, you are merely forcing innovation overseas. Why would anyone object to a new idea that puts Starbucks out of business and brings a cup of coffee back down to a reasonable 75 cents with free refills? Then when that deadhead ahead of you wants chocolate sprinkles, they send her to Dairy Queen.
Waiting for a phone call, I picked up the bass and ran through half my song list. Two things I liked, first I could play half the list again and second, my old drum lessons are finally beginning to kick in. That requires explanation. From one persepective, I chose the two instruments that are played most dissimilarly in this type of band. You have to “think” about the drum to lay down the beat, but then “not think” about it while the bass is played. At first, this confines you to very basic arrangements. You should hear me now, remember, I took pro drum lessons but never took a bass lesson in my life.