The picture shows the glamorous new plaza going up beside the casino at Gulfstream. Around a mile from the new place. I could not get close enough for details but the place is typically steel frame and stud construction, with the architecture meant to disguise the fact that everything is a plain old box. Like Aventura or Sawgrass Mills. This will be walking distance within the year.
Will dropped by to say he has not had time to practice. Sure. It is a question of motivation. He still thinks of performing as something for me or for himself, instead of the audience. And what’s this about medical conditions?
This month is also a stretch of unknown outcomes. Mike is in for hip surgery, Wallace is scheduled for that, Fred has to take his wife in and I’m denying the severity of my own condition. Hell, if we are all gone next week, remember who kept you in touch with your surroundings. And I’m a lot younger than all of them put together, might I add.
I read a very revealing criticism of America in a German newspaper today. It really cut into the facts of life because the author had lived in Miami. I will see if I can relocate it and cover some of the points. True, there is no culture in America and he points out how you can get shot while shopping, walking, going to school and staying at home. That we have millions of people in jail. Where you can be instantly arrested for nothing, but wait hours for the police in an emergency. Yep, that’d be Miami.
We had an Apple Mac computer in the office today, what a slick machine that is. Again, we don’t see many apples because we are a repair shop. It is a thoroughly clean and no-nonsense system. It also tips the scales at close to $2,000. Most interesting feature? When you hold the power cord anywhere near the port, a powerful magnet grabs it and pulls it into place for you.
The new voice recorder with downlink is proving totally handy. It is generation ahead of the older Olympus. Now there is no need to rig up cables and burn the entire set of recordings. You connect the “520” and it displays a “From” and “To” set of panels where you can instantly choose and categorize your recordings. There will probably be more to say on this product. Despite the fact that the file names are idiotic, once connected by an external USB, the files are random access. Like portable TVs, the device is burdened by having to use an external cable to be of any use.
The new place is causing a shift of ballast already. For one thing, the network to be installed will rival a real estate office, which in turn creates the probability of using that for more than email. Nothing has sparked my interest yet, but those eBay ads on Puddingvision are certainly amusing. You know they are scams just by the presentation. All hype and no clear descriptions of what you have to do. No mention of what happens to the thousands who don’t make any money at it, why it must be because they didn’t follow the rulebook. Not because they didn’t have a spare room large enough to keep inventory required by law or a shipping department in the trunk of the car they are living in. Anyway, it would be a fulfilling career just to expose these get-rich-quick places. The few critics out there don’t name specific businesses. Too much “buyer beware” and not enough description of what to beware of.
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