You can fool real estate “investors” all of the time. When breezing through towns, I have the habit of browsing the local rags for the lowest priced detached house. This is what we found in Moore Haven. The picture is level, the house isn’t. The blurb reads it is for starting up or slowing down. If you’ve got an extra $90,000 kicking around, you could sit in the “extra large living room” and maybe think about the bargain we got on this place. I would pay maximum $3,000 for this shack before it sinks into the swamp--only because it is well treed. The average price in the booklets seems to be $250,000 or put another way, still five times what houses in that settlement are worth. Polk County, you are in deep doo-doo.

Although we do not yet have service, Wallace was absorbed by the two-hour exchange setting up the DSL line this morning. He was not taken by the electronics (that is my department) but rather the intricate steps involved when things don’t go right. In an apparently baffling series of tests, the conclusion was the Bellsouth (AT&T) server was not working. They have said they will fix the problem, but I suspect we are over 5500 feet from the central office (not good). What’s this about whiz kids?
Aside. During the lineup (the correct technical term for what was occurring), the Bellsouth agent let down their guard. I was able to garner certain excellent information concerning cloned addresses and bypassing the one-line/one-computer restriction. Already I have a series of tests planned for next day. While I would never steal, all prisoners have a duty to escape, so don’t leave a hole in the fence. Or charge me $5 extra for something you took away.
Wallace had to head over to Panera himself this morning. I’ve got the flu bug. He also goes to Flanningan’s alone and gets the staff discount. Great, since I’ve been a horrible host which might continue until I get this huge backlog of paperwork done. To relax, we put Millie-Belle inside and drove the Malibu up to Oak Plaza and the movies. Wallace recalled that “Motel” movie from last year. I keep a blog so I don’t have to recall, ha, ha.
Tonight we attended “Hamlet 2”. In the third row forward, having arrived late. It gets an “okay” despite my normal ruling against scripts concerning how tough it is for incredibly gifted people to live free until they are discovered, usually in their early 30s. Am I supposed to feel sorry for some guy whose father hates him, yet has a 32-channel PA mixer in one corner of his den? Wait for the video, but wait for it expectantly. Classic scene: the ACLU lawyer lady (“What have I go to lose, I’m married to a Jew.” Or “If I’m wrong, you can kick me in the balls.”). If the movie only had a believable plot, she would be a nominee.
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