I told you to come here in the winter. It rains all summer. This is the sub-tropics. If it wasn’t for another day spent setting up the Internet system, there might be no report today. Near hurricane rain levels made indoors the place to be. I got most of the physical work completed. That includes stringing Ethernet cables above the ceiling tiles and crawling behind the work counters. I wish a few more of my regulars had been there to see the labor, especially the ones who think I just plug in a computer and charge money.

It would easily cost more except I put it together out of spare cables and monitors. This explains why I can undercut Kinko’s and I fully understand that this is not possible on a larger scale, or I too would have to hire expensive help. For example, one of my units has been re-infected with “Antivirus 2008”, and not only that, the virus sailed right through the double protection and firewalls of my best unit. The only known cure is a complete re-install of Windows. If I had to rely on others, that would cost me more than a new computer.
It’s no consolation but at least we know for certain it is porn sites spreading that virus (although there are other guilty sites). The customer that uses that computer, and the only user today, always gets his porn fix, even tilting the monitor away from the next cubicle. Hey, if you are over 18, you look at what you want, just make sure you clear the screens afterward. It has been months and Symantec still allows that nasty virus in, which smells like they are not even trying to eradicate it.
The bigger danger at this time is insolvency. Although nobody has any interest bearing obligations, rent is a form of debt. Don’t start with me on that one, I spent most of my life paying rent, and it is most assuredly an evil brand of liability, the kind that makes you run just to stay in place. The tiny trickle of cash coming in during the this summer is mostly mine. My business could not survive if the shop folded and no way could I find such a sweet deal anywhere else in this town. But only four or five customers have been in all week.
Back to the network. It now takes less than five minutes to add another computer to the system. Mostly I just add a special screen saver to a program directory that is hard to find and key enter the new IP octet into the server. I still have not figured out how to move the management program but I’ve discovered some FAQs that say it can be done. It also says I require a “license” to do so. And that my existing unlock code will not work on a different CPU. You have no idea how I welcome the day when the next technological breakthrough wipes Windows- and IBM- based equipment permanently off the face of this planet.
To those anxious for news about the Frying Pan saga, Wallace and I have informed all nearby parties that the next conference on the subject is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Will has suggested a griddle type pan, an option rejected because the lack of sides allows that arrangement to spew grease about the circumference. (See, Will is participating in the decision-making loop already.) It seems Wallace had a frying pan and toaster before he set out, but back then so did I. He also had a bread machine, which are sort of okay to play around with.
Wallace and I met up at Jimbo’s in the early evening, that’s where we were talking to Jackie and Will. Wallace now knows he’s going to get a lecture if he dares to show up over there without Millie-Belle. Thanks to the sore throat and other symptoms, I was also in to let them know I may not be performing tomorrow. Ha, there is no doubt Spiders and Snakes is the definitive Jimbo’s theme song there now. When I walk in alone, people give me money to play it on the jukebox. Many who formerly didn’t care for the tune now claim it a favorite. The power of music.
Remember the photo of the Mile High sub shop from recently? Keep it for evidence. The business burned down a week ago. And still no word from Club XIT on when they will be ready for my world-class show. No word from that guitar player at Megabite either. Man, these people are slow to catch on to a good thing.
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