Argh, I missed my chance for some brownie points. I caught up with JP just as the family were leaving for church. I had to decline, because no matter what you say, I was not going to church wearing a faded Hawaiian shirt with a small patch on the back. JP and I ironed out some technical matters in the parking lot and when he had not returned from church in three hours, I came back home.
I’m going to give you some guarded details because I found my subconscious was jolted when I saw something totally unexpected today. I won’t state many absolute numbers (and the ones given have been somewhat modified for public consumption). Here goes. Whatever you take it to mean, now that I know the facts about most men’s existence, I know that I have had 15 times more women than the average guy. That tells you nothing, but my point is that experience, and not any upbringing or advertising campaign is responsible for my notions. (Trust me, I regret that I have been unable to find one good woman as is supposed to happen.) You’ll know where this is heading in a moment.
When I heard that some corporation had developed a robot with a 400-word vocabulary and that it was a humanoid, I had to look. What I found gave me a wake up call. Stay with me, is it not a fact that there would be nothing to stop the designers of this machine from making it look like the perfect human being? I always assumed that meant the robot would be gynoid (the feminine of android) because no male would qualify. I never imagined anyone would go out of their way to make that robot look like anything except a tall, athletic, blonde, blue-eyed 18-year-old white girl. Imagine my surprise to see a frumpy, short, plain-looking, middle-aged Korean housewife with pancake makeup, a ricebowl haircut and wearing foundation garments with only partial success.
That proves they have suck-hole group-think nincompoops in charge over there, too. What’s the bets it looks like the boss's, wife, not his secretary? The same magazine advertises a lot of conference-ware. That shows how entrenched bad habits become. The future thrust should be to eliminate conferences, not encourage more of them. They are a bad idea that never worked in the first place. Conferences are where bald executives to go cheat on their wives and you only get one guess what those hookers look like.
Another article from the same source mentioned DARPA, the project to get an unmanned vehicle to navigate a 132-mile obstacle course. For some reason I thought there was still no winner, but as far back as 2005, there were five vehicles that completed the test. Yes, but did they tailgate, pass on the right, and arrive late because they stopped at two stripper bars on the way?
Now that I’m back home, I wish I had recorded the title of that book. It was full of tidbits. No matter, is was historical, reporting only on what had already happened and there are plenty such books. It was great for technical details. For instance, the crystal in a quartz watch vibrates 32,768 times per second and that explains why quartz was chosen. That number is 2 to the 15th power. It is electronically simple to step that down 15 times to get exactly a time unit of one second.
While at the store, I also read some articles on Joomla. This is the so-called “Web 2.0” language that is supposed to solve the huge overhead problems of the Internet as it now exists. For example, the horrendous expense of setting up an interactive web site, the security gaps and all the half-castrated current search engines are to be rendered obsolete. Anyone who has viewed the source code for any PHP web pages or tried to sift through Google search results knows what a mess the Web has become. I see no evidence that Joomla is better. It still seems to generate fantastic blocks of C+ brand coding. The least they could have done is make that code read like natural English.
Policy requires I include anything unusual and it is now clear that my normal body temperature has dropped 7/10ths of a degree. I had noticed feeling the difference several months ago and began daily recordings. That relates to another subject I should clear up. I mentioned there was no device that records temperature changes over time inside your house. I meant a self-contained device you can purchase. There are lots of recorders available but I don’t know how to adapt them for special projects. I’ve owned analog to digital video cards for years. I believe Radio Shack has recorders that plug into a spare serial port. I don’t know the pin assignments or have any clue how to use them. I should take a look. It is one of those projects I never quite got to, like buying some supplies and learning how to solder like a pro.
I may just reconsider all this now that there is a little extra space. It is a small area in front that cannot be used for much else because Wallace has to seal off the door when he parks. I’ve got piles of junk in there now and I will be looking for a good work table soon. The back area work room is okay for larger projects but not any fine work. Also, the cat is definitely stinking things up there. According to Wallace, this aroma keeps vermin away and I will grant that there has been no problems in that department since the arrival of the cat. The smell, however, is a little ripe and I have to do something. Last day I priced out a bottle of cat repellent spray. It cost $31 and I’ve decided to see if there is any advice on the Internet first. Mothballs or vinegar, that type of thing.