And like so many times before in my life, I conclude the very software I want is out there, but every ass-hat in the country wants his cut. It is unfortunate the inherent design of software promotes this type of “unbundling”. Ask anybody who thought they could get a web page happening for $99.95 what they wound up paying before it worked. I would not mind paying a premium price, if only somebody would guarantee it is what I want, and without me having to chase them down for a refund.
What is new. Okay, I once dismembered one of those metallic foil tags you find inside the pages of new books. My assumption is that it was an anti-shoplifting device. That is only partially true. I did not know it was an RFID “chip”. Well, hit me with a noodle. I also did not know that it may be possible to repurpose these tags and the coding does not look all that complicated. These days I’m too busy to pursue it. Funny, I thought RFIDs looked like grains of rice.
The CD for first party booking took several hours to put together. I need two players on state, as the client wants a mixture of live and recordings. So I took apart the old Haier (DVD player) and it is beyond repair. It also contain something else I’ve not seen. A series of connectors that are designed to be used only once. If you disconnect them, like I did, they cannot be reconnected. Interesting in a sick kind of way. Unless I want to shell out big bucks for another player, I have to use my old Win98 laptop. How do I know that will be problematical? Two reasons. First, I have not used Win98 for years and last, it was designed by Microsoft not to work right.
The rebuilt video super computer is not ready. When it will not load your operating system, regardless of what message shows on screen, it is a memory incompatibility problem. Heads up, all you techs. In this case, it was the same RAM but the replacement motherboard was different enough to need a re-install. Don’t go throwing that old RAM out, it may work perfectly well in the next 50 computers.
It was a successful evening at Jimbo’s. My equipment is beginning to show its age. That’s another gripe because my equipment is less than a couple years old in most cases. Nobody has yet designed a phono (guitar) plug that doesn’t eventually wear loose. I will repeat that my music gear is not heavy duty and does get banged around a lot. Stuff just does not hold up like it used to.
One of the better kept secrets in town is that there is a surplus of women at Jimbo’s. They are all blondes. However, they are also taken, something that becomes a fact of life after 30. Let me restate that. The one or two that are not taken will never be taken. Yet, for a town where men usually outnumber women ten or twelve to one, Jimbo’s can be a surprise.
Ethnic joke time. From the New York Cities cab driver joke manual, how do they know that Jesus was Jewish? (Yeah, its also old joke time.) Well, because he lived at home till he was 30, went into his father’s business, he thought his mother was a virgin and his mother thought he was god.