Interesting news. My old credit union is now the 17th largest private bank in the west. I am all for private (non-government-regulated) banking. For those unfamiliar with FDIC, remember that it is insurance, not a real financial backing of your deposit. A private bank can opt not to have that insurance if they have the resources to guarantee your deposit—and only the finest banks have such resources. Mine does.
We may be in luck with the ceiling fan. Wallace found that the switch had been disconnected. That jives with the way the previous owners ran things. They would turn off the A/C if leaving the room for just a minute. Soon as we get a cool morning, I’ll do my bit by trimming back Forest Wally. It is again starting to inch out over the public roadway. Eric and the previous owners did go on about watering but we have not watered the area in all the time we’ve been here. It grows just fine by itself.
I do have a booking Saturday, and it is the Island theme I likely mentioned. I’ve got the disk ready to master. My main computer is still in the shop, so I have to go in there all day Friday to take care of the mixing. The shop is where the interruptions are. We are not a help desk, but you would get a laugh out of the things people call us for. “No ma’am, a fatal error does not mean your sister in New Jersey has died.”
For the record, I downloaded most of the music and found almost every second tune was laced with viruses and spyware. Unless you have an incredible firewall and software protection, don’t visit these sites. (P2P or peer-to-peer music sharing sites where you download unlicensed music.) Worst offender is Zlob “downloader” virus. It says it is spyware, but it is worse than that. I wonder if there is any truth to the saying that music producers hire or intentionally place viruses in the share programs to combat pirating.